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Equip multiple armors at once


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Title says all. I need a mod that lets you equip more than one piece of armor at once, adding extra stats to your overall armor rating and making the armor meshes overlap to create a new look.


My current predicament is this. I'm wearing the Dragonbone Ebonsteel Armor (from the Immersive Armors mod). I want to combine this with the Archmage robes. I found a mod on the Bethesda website that lets you wear robes with armors. So I got my wish. When combined with my armor, the robes make me look pretty cool. But there's one problem. It won't let me equip my helmet. Equipping my helmet automatically makes the robes unequip. I even tried this with the hoodless variant of the robes. Still won't work. If I could just have a mod that bypasses this problem, allowing me to equip as much as I want at the same time, I can complete my look. It's a minor problem and not worth the hassle, but it's really bothering me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The thing that sucks is Bethesda limited the amount of slots you can use for Skyrim. There are only a handful of extra slots you can use next to the vanilla. Perhaps that can change with SKSE, but not too sure. I remember trying to add underwear as light armor under heavy and had some issues, but I might attempt it again later down the road.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Grab SSE Edit


Open Mod


Go to armor and change Biped Object (http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Biped_Object) for that piece of armor.


Repeat for ArmorAddon then close SSE Edit


Fireup Nifscope 2.0 or better


load mesh for each changed piece of armor


For each NiTriShape, target BSDismemberSkinInstance, in Block details window, expand partition and match what you did in SSE Edit.


You must do this for each NiTriShape in the file.


Save mesh.


Unless you make one of the items transparent, the clipping will be horrible if the items clash

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  • 1 year later...

I tried this and it worked in the sense that I could equip multiple copies of the items that would otherwise override each other. But for some reason having any of the tweaked items equipped was invisible and even made invisible other items from the same mod which I had not tweaked (but were visible if I didn't have any of the tweaked ones equipped)

Edit: Never mind, I did it again and it worked. I probably used the Creation Kit on the wrong instance of the mod

Edited by williamalex
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