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The Beast of Caerbannog


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I've been cruising the Nexus for something comparable to

, and I have to say I'm disappointed. How could this not be a thing, after four years of modding? There are some respectable mods that come close, but not close enough, and none ported over to SSE.


I've got a few ideas that I think would make for a good mod. A mod to be remembered. If you are a modder that has experience with NPCs and/or Quests, Dialogue, Scripting, Structures, Dungeons, etc., then I would like to talk with you. I'm a layman when it comes to modding, and I've been informed that I cannot pay anyone for their help (much as I would like to), but there must be something I can do, because I would really like to see this happen.










Quest: "The Beast of Caerbannog"

- Slay the mysterious beast.

When you reach Level 5, a Courier runs over to you and delivers a bounty flyer on a "mysterious and deadly beast" which has recently killed some travelers on a road near (insert Hold name here). (insert Jarl here) has requested the aid of any warriors willing to fight this menace so that the roads may be safe once more.


When reaching the destination marked by your map, you will chance upon a pile of freshly-dead bodies. After following a trail of bloodstains on the road, into the forest, you will find the Cave of Caerbannog, a cave whose namesake is some ancient Nord's tomb or something. Guarding the cave is a rabbit. But... it's no ordinary rabbit.





Quest Info and Lore


Do you remember Clavicus Vile's companion, Barbas?

The little quest with Barbas inspired one idea: for the Killer Rabbit to be sapient, with the soul of some guy, and for him to have his own mini-quest as an introduction.

- This is supposed to be at least semi-lore-friendly. Off the top of my head, I'm gonna throw Sheogorath as an implicated party. Perhaps the Nord warrior was cursed by the Madman for saying something off-colour. We all know that Sheogorath is the reigning troll Daedra of the Elder Scrolls, so it might make sense.

- He would be fully-voiced, probably by me. Perhaps, for added comedy value, I could tweak the audio to be high-pitched as if I inhaled some Helium. If I do this, I will try really hard to make it as minimally annoying as possible. I have some home studio equipment for recording that isn't a potato.

--- Like Barbas, he will not talk with his mouth, so no mouth animation for speaking will be necessary.


Fighting the Beast...

- The Rabbit's damage output scales with your level (but he will not be easy! Unless you use cheats... and then if you do, f*** off, *censored*a. This isn't for you!). He also comes with some magic attacks and powers, again depending on the level of his attacker.

--- At level 20, for example, he may spit Dragonfire (example) if kept at a distance for too long, or when simply alternating attacks. When I learn how that works, I'll let you know. But it must happen. In the name of all that is awesome.







Like Barbas, the Killer Rabbit will be combat-ready, of course. Otherwise, how could it be a killer rabbit?

- Animation like the Skeever's, or something. Or perhaps its own hybrid animation between dog/skeever? That will be ironed out when we get to it.

- The ability to nib a person's head off as a fatality animation, just like the Perk a Dragonborn can have. (and just like in the movie).

- Slightly faster at melee attacks than a Skeever, perhaps. Also faster-moving.






It's a white rabbit.

- Approx. 1.10x the size of a normal rabbit, perhaps (going by Console setscale standard).

- Red eyes of a light shade. Not too deep of a reddish colour.


When in combat, he opens his mouth part-ways, revealing large fangs. He may also glow, depending on the magic he uses.





Quick FAQs


Marriage material?

- maybe...? Perhaps he could bring you dead things and that would be your Homecooked Meal. Who knows. No bestiality. Please.


Bunny Armour? Craftable?

- Hell yes. But not in the Alpha stage, I don't think.


Idle Chatter? Location-specific?

- Yes. And yes, if possible.


Does he have a name?

- Yes. I just haven't thought of something fitting (or at least funny), yet.


Carrying things?

- Yes, but probably no more than 100 weight. He's a damn rabbit. Even if he's got superpowers.



inspired by a few things...

Monty Python, obviously.

Barbas Quest, "A Daedra's Best Friend".

The INIGO mod.

Rabbits Kingdom.

Amazing Follower Tweaks.

Probably a few other things I can't recall immediately.

Edited by LtSurge
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nah sometimes people have no interest in an idea or they start on it without saying anything. really a lot of people dont like the 'PM me for details' line and will avoid/ignore threads that even hint they are intentionally withholding details. i know a couple of users have claimed to quit reading a thread just for because of that.


remember that you are selling your idea to people, stating you are withholding info is a big shut off.


in other cases it could just be no one wants the mod. most mod makers only make mods because they want to use them. i have made several unreleased mods myself. this is where the 'make it yourself' line comes from actually.


you have to realize what you're asking here:

1) a talking rabbit follower

2) a voiced follower (even if you provide the voice that only solves half the issue)

3) opens mouth with 'large fangs' (so clipping issues, oh god this is always an irritating task)

4) SSE version meaning no SKSE

5) custom quest

6) custom body

7) custom spells

8) Marriage?

9) custom armor

10) custom follower

11) kill moves

12) custom animations


that's just a generalization there. people often dont go for complicated 'joke mods' even if they are fun ideas.

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Okay for some reason if I quote you the dialogue box for posting hangs forever, and when I tried the Full Editor it didn't save the post and sent me all the way to the top forum. WTF.


[ nah sometimes people have no interest in an idea or they start on it without saying anything. really a lot of people dont like the 'PM me for details' line and will avoid/ignore threads that even hint they are intentionally withholding details. i know a couple of users have claimed to quit reading a thread just for because of that.]

- Well I suppose it isn't important that there are special parts about this idea I may request or add myself down the line... thank you.


[ 3) opens mouth with 'large fangs' (so clipping issues, oh god this is always an irritating task)]

- well this isn't necessary in the alpha version...


[ 4) SSE version meaning no SKSE]

- what's that?


[ 5) custom quest]

- I've seen some pretty decent custom quests made but perhaps I am ignorant to how complicated making them actually is


[ 11) kill moves]

if you're talking about nibbing off heads, that's also not gonna be part of the alpha I don't think. Just a finishing touch. Even so, I figured the Skeever animation for jumping at people and the animation of a person's head coming off in a finishing move wouldn't be too hard to put in since those already exist in the game...


[ that's just a generalization there. people often dont go for complicated 'joke mods' even if they are fun ideas.]
- I suppose I could do it, myself... but... I'm a complete noob. And an idiot. I really would rather pay a professional to do it.


Yes, yes, I can't "pay" for mods... *grumble*... and as long as I can't, I don't think it will ever happen. I don't have all day to learn how to do this. Well... I suppose I had all day to put hundreds of hours into this game...

Edited by LtSurge
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