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Working Mod Manager, Anybody?


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Hi Nexus People,


Im gonna start playing Morrowind for the first time this weekend and Im looking for a working mod-manager to order my downloaded mods for the game.

It seems that the NMM doesn´t work with Morrowind, as the game is not supported (anymore?). Also the Morrowind Mod Manager is actually corrupted and not supported by its author anymore.


Would it be an alternative to use the mods without any manager? I suppose, I would most definitely run into conflicts without sorting the load-order properly.


Any Ideas?



Edited by thc002
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To hc002's<br><br>When I first started with Morrwind and the expansion paacksk (now the Morrowind GOTY),there were somexpamnsion pack but not many. <br><br>Therare quite a few wa I call "helper programmes"  and this appears to be one of them, your prgorammme  "NMM".  As for a mod manaaager as you will see in the later editions, ir's only in it's ifancey here - DON'T touch it.  I tried to use thw Morrwind Mod Manager years agoe and all it did was screw the game- and my sysytem up.<br><br>As as I tried to use  it a good few yeas agp and the system did not work!  I advise you to use the system devised for "The Elder Scorlls IV".
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Usually had good luck with Wrye Mash for Morrowind, it's found here


Agreed. Nothing touches Wrye Mash, in that respect. It also has plenty of nice extra features as well, such as a Repair All function that repairs mismatched object IDs, syncing saved games with a mod list after mods have been added/removed, and remove debris left in cells after "dirty" mods are uninstalled.

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