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[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)


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What really sucks is these optimistic people who've read the updates put forward by the actual team members and they somehow still think SKSE64 is only delayed and not dead on arrival. The last one even states that a release is unlikely.


I'm sorry, but I'm a realist. Mindless optimism is something I cannot abide.



Completely true. But then their response to someone like me -- who tries to do something constructive like getting Bethesda to make an SKSE64, or set up a crowd funding site to pay a computer engineer -- is open mockery and contempt.

Edited by aristotle99
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SKSE for Skyrim SE is dead .. believe it or not. Dont wait anymore it wont happen. Folks better move on and dont waste your time rather play old rim and ur fine.


Anyways if ur modded ur old skyrim well u wont have cdts and u have access to 1 million mods including visuals.. so i bet old skyrim looks 1000 times better ....

Edited by nieda113
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What really sucks is these optimistic people who've read the updates put forward by the actual team members and they somehow still think SKSE64 is only delayed and not dead on arrival. The last one even states that a release is unlikely.


I'm sorry, but I'm a realist. Mindless optimism is something I cannot abide.



Completely true. But then their response to someone like me -- who tries to do something constructive like getting Bethesda to make an SKSE64, or set up a crowd funding site to pay a computer engineer -- open mockery and contempt.



*rolls eyes sarcastically* Pft, don't you know anything? We're entitled to having everything handed to us on a silver platter! If we want something badly enough and there's an obstacle in the way it's not our job to work towards a solution. Problem solvers are losers who end up getting what they want even if it takes effort and a bit of time. How dare you do something other than b&@*$ and moan on the internet. Why can't you be a whiny neckbearded underachiever like us?


Jokes aside I actually wish I could justify donating to a crowdfunding campaign for SKSE, seeing as that's an unexpected and novel idea. Joys of being poor af and living on disability while you work to make something of your life, am I right? As for optimism being stupid? Well I can't entirely agree. I'm not holding my breath or anything, but there's nothing wrong with a bit of guarded hope. Until then I'll stick with my subpar menu designs and severe lack of Burning Skies. Oh the horror! Have fun and DFTBA.

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wait a sec.. why even try to get beth to finish SKSE when they could just code it into the game and not have to even deal with a community based external program??.. not saying they will either way but it would seem silly. also if they release it they would have to offer support for it; and also retesting the whole game to make sure it functions properly with the rest of the game..


If skse 64 releases it releases. but i feel modders should be planning that there will be no skse64 going forward from this point on. i can see why they are stooping taking breaks or just quiting. i mean the released full working versions on a game spent thousands of hours in making what they made. and to do it all again when they look back on what they made.. it probably looks really daunting to them. i dont blame them one bit. while sse maybe the best version they already gave their lives previously to a previous version. i wish everyone luck in what they choose to do.

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The question is to what does Bethesda attribute the Success of Skyrim?


If it is the "Skyrim" part exclusively. Then they've done all they can or should.

Given that the 360 / PS3 versions don't support mods, and given that these are the sales stats as recorded just two years ago, I reckon they'd say it's the "Skyrim" part exclusively.



That's a very good point.


But it raises many questions. I note in your link that 7 million units were sold in the first week. Presumably those would be some combination of Elder Scrolls hardcore fans. They're in it for the Elder Scrolls, not the mods. Although I don't doubt many also like the mods.


I also note from your link that an additional 16.3 million units were sold between the first week in 2011 and when the statistics were counted in 2015. By these numbers I mean to highlight they TRIPLED (and more).


As for me, I enjoyed PC games for many years in the 1990's, and to the early 2000's. Then there were several years of weak thematic offerings, in the genre's I prefer. After which, the buzz in the industry was that most gaming companies would be moving exclusively to consoles. So for several years I abandoned gaming.


Gaming is about fantasizing, not just fantasy. It is day-dreaming with a visual aid.


On the console you are strictly limited to someone else's day-dream. Off the console, you're not.


Eventually someone gave me a console for a birthday. I played a bit. It wasn't the same. And while there were some offerings in PC...I wasn't encouraged by those that I saw.


And then in 2013 someone gave me an XBOX 360 copy of Skyrim. I was captivated. But mostly I saw all the ways that the engines had improved in the years I was away, and wished I could play with it, change its elements.


It took me only a couple of months and one play-through to abandon the XBOX 360 version and buy a second copy for the PC. For me it was all about the mods.


Yes. I want to play it. But modding is the logical extension to the open-world concept. I was in it to explore the (extensible and improvable) world.


From my experience I expect that those who just want a good quality play-through will find it easier on the console.


And there is another element of evidence than Skyrim sales to evaluate. Why is Skyrim so wildly, fantastically, monumentally, more popular than other Bethesda games using the same engine, with similar opening sales numbers???




I am tempted by fallout.


But the fact is, Fallout is much more limited and limiting.


What's the difference?


My answer is: SKSE.


Of course...F4SE is progressing, hence the temptation.

Edited by ElGordo371
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"we could have gotten someone else to do it"? And how, exactly, would you take someone's owned work from them and hand it off to someone else? And just how would you get them to do it for free? And how would you get Bethesda to agree to have a second team reverse-engineering their property LEGALLY?



And regarding the comments concerning how much money Bethesda made off Skyrim: you need to understand how this works.


When a Producer like Microsoft puts up the money for a developer like Bethesda to make a game, the contract never states a 50/50 split of the profit. 90/10 would be generous, and you can bet it's the Producer (i.e. MS) getting the 90%.

So, all these sales figures and dollar amounts you think Bethesda got are most likely horribly over-estimated on your part.



The SKSE64 team do not owe you a weekly update. They are under no obligation to take their site down or state definitively either way if work is or is not progressing.

And no, you cannot pay them to finish SKSE64 because the contracts they signed with Bethesda state they cannot receive money for this work (according to what I'm reading in this thread, at least).

As well, being experienced programmers with real programmer jobs, doing something for Internet Kudos is about half as rewarding as receiving a game Achievement, and really, a pop-up message is all the reward you get for Achievements.


The statements "all the best mods" or "half/over half/most of the mods" requiring SKSE are personal opinion and not fact. Do not confuse the two.

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we could have gotten someone else to do it"? And how, exactly, would you take someone's owned work from them and hand it off to someone else?


I got reamed awhile back for daring to suggest on a truly dead mod(mod owner hasn't logged in for well over 2 years now) that someone else take control of it to fix the bugs that were present.

But I guess it's ok to suggest this for SKES64, even though it's only been a few months for the main mod worker logging in to the forums, since more people actually want(WANT, not NEED) it?

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we could have gotten someone else to do it"? And how, exactly, would you take someone's owned work from them and hand it off to someone else?


I got reamed awhile back for daring to suggest on a truly dead mod(mod owner hasn't logged in for well over 2 years now) that someone else take control of it to fix the bugs that were present.

But I guess it's ok to suggest this for SKES64, even though it's only been a few months for the main mod worker logging in to the forums, since more people actually want(WANT, not NEED) it?


It's not ok for either as long as the mod description doesn't clearly specify anyone can take over.

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