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[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)


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2027 sounds like sarcasm to me, it would take a very inexperienced team to have to work for that long before they release anything.


Me, I'm more worried about all the mod makers who will quit the field in the timeframe before SKSE 64 comes out moving on to other games and leaving Skyrim completely in the sand. Well on one hand they could figured out an alternate way to get their mod into the game using less convenient means but there are some who could immediately port their stuff as it doesn't require much scripting at all like the dwemer rifles and muskets and that stuff. Yes there are those who may end up docked for a year moored to Oldrim until SKSE 64 comes along, and the reason most of us don't want to return to oldrim is because it is so badly unstable, only the console version seems to work correctly. It is a damned shame that Bethesda didn't tighten up loose hatches on Oldrim before they left it completely behind and all we got were lackluster updates that weren't worth more than making the game function at least partly but once you installed mods, it was like witnessing history's worst train wreck, plane crash or traffic accident, so many bugs, CTDs and all that meant Skyrim was better left to low end mods unless you had a beast of a PC (yet even then, what was supposed to function didn't seem to do its job) it seems Oldrim was better off not using SKSE as it was a wobbly table to start with.


Please don't take that as griefing or trolling, that's just my experience coupled with frustrations with Oldrim.

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2027 sounds like sarcasm to me, it would take a very inexperienced team to have to work for that long before they release anything.


Well, yeah. it was. It was a joke. At least I hope it was...

The only thing I actually disagree with here was the stability of the console version; they didn't have access to the unofficial patches. Mods sometimes screw up and break, sure, but that's why mod authors tend to update their mods with bugfixes, and if they can't or won't someone else would take up the torch.

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As for those of you trolls, you can shove it. Brats like you think things work like a 3D printer when reality doesn't, try living back in 1850 dreaming about locomotives and being frustrated in wondering why no one has figured out how to get one working yet. You are a fair example of the masses, expecting everything to work like the flick of a finger like you have a genie that grants instant wishes, wake up, smell the ozone and realize THINGS TAKE TIME! If you are still frustrated, go play GTAV or Minecraft until they the SKSE 64 team is ready.

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I'll admit that this is just nitpicking, but trolls just do things to anger people; the actual trolls (meaning not the actual butthurt people out there, or the people asking about the project without intending to piss anyone off) wouldn't care and keep saying stuff to get people mad.

And while I'm nitpicking here, 3D printing takes hours to actually print the object; even that requires some patience.

I'm not trying to undercut your point, though; there are some folks that either don't realize or don't care that software development takes a long time to make, even something as relatively "simple" as a script extender. I'm just pretty pedantic and can't seem to let even minor points go.

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I'm not trying to undercut your point, though; there are some folks that either don't realize or don't care that software development takes a long time to make, even something as relatively "simple" as a script extender. I'm just pretty pedantic and can't seem to let even minor points go.

And as a professional developer who deals with the vagaries of estimates every day, it is very frustrating to see people who don't do development get picky about a rough estimate given three months ago, about when a beta might be ready.

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Timeframes causes anxiety, this much I've learned. Coming from repair shop manager to fibre/adsl cable installer to system admin, that game hasn't changed. Overquoting your ETA/ECD is usually a good idea if you have the option, but even then things happen.


Not specifying a time at all usually leads to more anxiety, these guys being pros probably know this and felt inclined to give a rough timeframe for that very reason.


For all you lot that are stressing know, they could be working with mod authors to bring a plethora of releases on day one ;). And if they aren't and this gets released with no mods, what next? Hound the mod authors in the same way for the coming months?


But do consider all possibilities, even the bad ones, and in fact plan for those because then you won't suffer with disappointment later :).


And now I've typed all that, I'm wondering why I've jumped on the bandwagon of long replies on this thread :D

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