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[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)


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I just accepted that it's not going to happen.


Given the choice between an unstable Oldrim and hobbled Newrim, I went with neither.

I find it interesting that you should say that. I don't think it's time to throw our hands up in the air just yet, until the we hear it from the horses mouth



I agree. I don't see any reason to believe that SKSE64 won't be ready at some point. A week or two off schedule estimates is nothing. I worked in software development for 30+ years, and I don't think I've ever seen a schedule estimate that didn't slip. It's not that big a deal. Programmers are notoriously bad at estimating the level of effort for their tasks.


It all comes down to managing expectations. As soon as the mid-March estimate was put out there it set everyone's expectations. If those expectations have to be reset, fine, it doesn't mean the product won't eventually be released. As a general rule, though, it is always a good idea to proactively manage your users' expectations. If the schedule needs to slip then the sooner you let them know the better. If someone on the team were to login and say "sorry guys, but it won't be ready until May" then most of us would just shut up and wait until May to start asking for another status update.


Like I said earlier, I am inclined to think the silence means they have their heads down into it, but in saying that life always takes it's place and these hobbyist projects get left behind in the process. Can't hold anything against anyone if the latter is the case here, I mean what can you do.


I personally just hope nothing bad happened to anybody.


We all thought of that, silence meaning they're working hard on it you know. But let's be honest, unless all of the development staff lost their PCs and do not have access to internet, it looks like they don't care about it anymore, skse site still indicates a mid-March release date and didn't even change that. Maybe they don't want to be distracted (who am I kidding anyway..).


I think it is safe to say Skse64 goodbye.

Edited by SanguinBlack
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The only thing it's safe to say is none of us has a clue what is really going on behind the scenes, and any speculation at this point is a worthless endeavor. I think it's also safe to assume that the SKSE team has long since unsubscribed to this thread until they have something to actually say.


BTW ... I'm one of the hundreds of people that Ilja has helped, many times over the years, I count him as a friend. Papagai ... OK my multicolored feathered friend :)

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Perhaps silence is golden. Just wait. It will be here and all the forum posts in the world will not make it arrive any quicker. No, no mod author owes anyone anything considering it is a hobbyist's business first and foremost. But crassly stating that it will never arrive would really irritate me if I was the one working on it in my spare time. Be thankful that there are guys out there doing this at all. I think when it arrives he should be given Kudos, Thanks, gift baskets, whatever floats your boat.

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May I ask, what mods you all are so eagerly waiting for, that's dependant on SKSE? There's SkyUI of course, but what else is there that's absolutely essential for a Skyrim playthrough?


For me, the texture, weather and graphics mods make the world beautiful. None of them require SKSE.

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May I ask, what mods you all are so eagerly waiting for, that's dependant on SKSE? There's SkyUI of course, but what else is there that's absolutely essential for a Skyrim playthrough?


For me, the texture, weather and graphics mods make the world beautiful. None of them require SKSE.

Google it fellow adventurer, too many to list, but im personally not walking another step in the Special Edition until its ready.


Physics bases mods require it for a start...you know...boobies...


Anyway, Enderal for me right now which you should definitely check out if you haven't already.

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The only thing it's safe to say is none of us has a clue what is really going on behind the scenes, and any speculation at this point is a worthless endeavor. I think it's also safe to assume that the SKSE team has long since unsubscribed to this thread until they have something to actually say.


BTW ... I'm one of the hundreds of people that Ilja has helped, many times over the years, I count him as a friend. Papagai ... OK my multicolored feathered friend :smile:

Your argument ends -enters a vicious cycle to say the least, unless proven otherwise- when I say ''Ilja did not help hundreds'', since both comments carry no evidentiary value, so I am going to stop this knowing it will not come to a conclusion and move on with my life. Nothing personal.


You are right about something however, we have no idea what's going on with the Skse development and these are all trash talks, I was being a little pessimistic at that part. Except this is not our fault, we did now ask for an official thread, development team themselves took this responsibility, stressing the word ''official'', at this point, going full quiet is not an appropriate move in my book.

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May I ask, what mods you all are so eagerly waiting for, that's dependant on SKSE? There's SkyUI of course, but what else is there that's absolutely essential for a Skyrim playthrough?


For me, the texture, weather and graphics mods make the world beautiful. None of them require SKSE.

hmmm... MCM under SkyUI is a must for way too many mods out there... Deadly Dragons, Aesir Armor (which I think won't be ported because the author disappeared over 3 years ago), things that change dynamically like Five O Clok Shadow, Pumping Iron. Keybind mods so you have more options instead of only 8 Favorited wepons, and better control at which hand uses what. Things like Trade & Bater (which needs the use of MCM, not so much for the mod itself). Racemenu, etc...


Hotkeying ends up being the most important side-by-side with MCM customization. Without the MCM some mods are a nightmare because the authors don't know how to balance them properly, in other cases mods sort of REQUIRE hotkeys to avoid menu drowning...


Then there are countless mods that need one or two functions added by SKSE, which without it they won't work at all...

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By the way. I did forget to mention albeit a bit late Happy Birthday to BeHippo (Mentioned in the Dec 28 2016 video) Thank you for your team's work. Looking forward to it.

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I'd rather have the team not release the beta if they can and take a few more months to get the Papyrus hooks tested and set up. Everyone would rather have a piece of polished software than a mess that was quickly put together and was barely tested (I'm looking at you Bethesda). If they can't get a beta out within the next few months, so what? SKSE64 is important, but not urgent. The Special Edition's stability alone is enough to play it instead.


Also, no SkyUI isn't that bad once you get used to the vanilla UI again. No MCM is a pain in the ass, though.

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May I ask, what mods you all are so eagerly waiting for, that's dependant on SKSE? There's SkyUI of course, but what else is there that's absolutely essential for a Skyrim playthrough?


For me, the texture, weather and graphics mods make the world beautiful. None of them require SKSE.

Things like frosfall, realistic needs and disease, campfire, hunterborn.. Basically all mods that require MCM to set them up.. AND OF COURSE jiggling boobies because this is the only good way to enjoy your brand new ''fighting'' animations! :laugh: :facepalm:

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