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Sword and Bow equipped at once.


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Is it possible to have a sword at your side and a bow on your back? I doubt both could be equipped, but if you had your bow equipped on your back would it be possible to have just the sword model on your side.


Like in the image I made up.



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Now that you asked, don't some of the guards in the Imperial City have a Bow on their back with a sword on their hip? I know you can have a quiver on your back & a melee weapon on your back as well or on your hip, but a bow? Good question. I never noticed ingame.



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Now that you asked, don't some of the guards in the Imperial City have a Bow on their back with a sword on their hip? I know you can have a quiver on your back & a melee weapon on your back as well or on your hip, but a bow? Good question. I never noticed ingame.




Unfortuanately, they don't. This has been discussed before, and the general outcome of it was the conclusion:

-You cannot have 2 weapons that are equipped appear simultaneously.


If you're really desperate (or enthusiastic) to get this type of image achieved, you have to copy the model of one of the weapons and 'glue' it to the model of some clothes/armor. This gives the appearance that you have a bow on you're back, but does not actually function as a bow.

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