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WANTED: Modding Team/Think Tank for new FULL Dwemer mod.


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Klipperken, Antwerp, Belgium, timezone UTC+1/GMC+1


Having had several conversations, with heaps of people, I came to the conclusion (this by the fact there was a single survivor of the 'Dwemercaust', Ygram) that there might be others out there that escaped this fate through several means.

Maybe a Clan foresaw (Vision?) the destruction, and figured a way out of harms way.

Simply put, they dug a new hold, superior to all others, where they used a Runic Mithril alloy, found right -and ONLY- there in that mountain, concealing them from magical probing, even Divine probing.

And they survived, evolved, got new, meaner and more dangerous toys, and maybe just bumped into them.

Which is where the player -you thus- comes in....


The idea is far from what we have heard here, far more elaborate, with the possibility to "stumble" over the entrance (Prime part), or... be one of the Dwemer (with it's own quest line, background story, new toys, you name it) (Second part), and beginning in Vault 24 / Vault 24 link 2, which I am allowed to use as base for this mod.

It should become a PURE LORE based (regarding Tech, background story, ....) mod, with things that would be totally logical, and with 100 up to 250 people living there (even later on -Last part- with side quests inside the hold).


The very first step is to clean up the content (scrubbing all that does not fit there, like say Electronic devices, light systems, reactors, ...), revamping the walls (which should be fairly easy, I suppose, but me not being a Modder, I has nea clue).

The Vault, as created by the God Cambragol (seriously, just check the size, this is a Gods piece, all credit goes to this man, it's a true maze-dungeon) and who will get like 60% of all credits, gave me the idea of a more advanced Dwemer Race (well, they were in there for 200+ years, doing nothing but evolve themselves and their hold).


Whether these are enemy or friendly, the first few encounters with them would define YOUR -the player- status towards them, (they will be neutral, story will tell why), but if you act either benign or rude, will turn the tables for you.


There be MASSIVE treasure (Dwemer Artifacts or every possible form ranging from Elite Spoons to the Lore of Making Cannons, Rune Lore, Weapons, Armor, ...) for the more rude folks, and friendships/love/and treasure for the more benign players.


So far the introduction: my question: I am looking for a Modder team (since, as said before, I are not modding smart/total mega uber noob in the matter of modding) that is willing to take on this adventure with me.

Everyone will get an equal share of the credits for their assist (again, the God Cambragol will have 60%, logical, it IS his Vault! and I will simply NOT negotiate for this), where I myself will take absolutely none due to the simple fact I want to do this for the community, without breaking Bethesda's further developments (Chim, other ideas about the Dwemer, other Dwemer stuff they might ever think of, the idea is to just put a SINGLE CLAN (and so not the species) in that Vault.

Again, I am noty looking to kill whatever anyone has planned, this will be a total stand-alone project) and I want to give all of you something to play with, which has a few moments of game time, for which I want no credit....


What I am looking for:

1) a Lore Master(s) (speaks for itself, I NEED the Dungeon Lore-correct, for the sake of Morrowind Universe),

2) I need a revamp team (cleaning up/altering the Vault to lore friendly status) with HQ from scratch made texts and Meshes,

3) Invention Team (for making a tremendous heap of things, ranging from spoons to you name it),

4) Trap Makers (Ideas/scripting/the whole part),

5) Weapon/Armor Makers (creation of an entirely new HQ type from scratch),

6) Quest Makers/Scripters (also quite self-explanatory)


All of these must be: TRULY engaged in the project, I will NOT see this fail, no matter what.

End of all life? NO EXCUSE!!! (I will however not be an arse and deny you of real life...) (WHAT, WHAT REAL LIFE??? Who SAID you are entitled top a REAL LIFE???) (No, just kidding XD)


If, for whatever (decent) reason, you have to drop out, your name will be, as said, be mentioned, and you will be replaced.

If I notice a person failing, he will be dropped WITHOUT any credit for whatever you did, and your work that was good, will be used onwards, since, what we do is not ours to have, but, as per the EULA and other right claims, it is Bethesda's.

Which, logically, ALSO, applies to me.


What does this mean: whatever you made/done/whatever, is not yours or mine anymore once it has given to the Team for usage.

Nothing can be revoked, since, all given becomes Bethesda's property.

And I will not bend this simple rule.

We will do whatever possible to actually achieve this.


Thank you all....



Questions: Drop a line below, I will check up a lot.

I will answer within the fastest possible time.


Remarks: post them below, and we'll try to sort them out ASAP.


To apply: Either post below or PM me.

If you need me in a SPEEDY way: creating an MSN alt so you can get a hold of me there.

Also I will make an alt Skype, but do understand: I am virtually deaf, so please, do not call me, but type to me?


Thankees to all.


Post will be modified to add MSN/Skype addy.


MSN: [email protected]

Skype: seems to be struggling with my router, fixing this.



People with ideas can also contact me.

Each idea will, accordingly, when used, be credited to the one giving the idea.


Thank you.


Edited by Klipperken
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Sounds cool, although I think you'll be running into legal issues if you choose to use Vault 24. It seems to be made up of mostly New Vegas assets, which is a no go for Skyrim.


Also, I don't know if it will even fit in the dwemer culture - IMO you'll be better off using vanilla skyrim dwemer statics. Who knows, there could be a bunch of assets available that isn't in the game.


I'm also severely hearing impaired - deaf in one ear and i wear a hearing aid in the other. :thumbsup:


Another word of advice: I rarely see mod teams formed where the leader of the mod didn't do most of the work. If you're intent on seeing this mod come to fruition you will have to learn the creation kit very well. You will have to expect to do about 80% of the work yourself and you'll have to have something to show to entice modders to join your team.

Edited by PaladinRider
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I'm not a GREAT modder as I have never really done anything besides making a house and I've retextured some things, but I haven't released any of them. I also think I made a sword one time, but I quit because of Blender making me rage :P.


Anyways, I'd love to help. But like I said im not an absolutely great modder. But I have enough knowledge of knowing what to do in the CK (if it's like the CS), and what looks nice (Retextures and Designing things).


Also, like the guy said above, you probably won't be able to make a straight port of Vault 24 to Skyrim. It is possible to rebuild it though, and even add new CK pieces to help further the design.

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@ PaladinRider:

Legal Issues:

Ah yes.

This is why I want to take V24 as BASE and do a TOTAL overhaul, from scratch up.

Remove basically everything that does not belong in the Morrowind Culture, and build the mod up from there.

Prime thing to alter: walls, then stairs, doors, and work our way up (this first so we have a 'room' to work in, instead of black holes).

Secondly: strip the Vault from all non-MW items.


Fitting the MW Lore:

Which I said a total revamp is needed.

Get in the Vault, think even simple yellow walls: voila!

Dwemer Dungeon!

The first time (first release) I got in there, I saw tons of potential.

This only grew as the vault evolved.

But yes: as it is atm, it does not belong here at all, true...

Though give me a change to prove otherwise.

I ask no more than that. :)


Thank you for your question and remarks.

I hope to have answered the points addressed?

Feel free to ask/remark/else...



Not a great modder:

Even if your basically a disaster-modder, you'd be a thousand times better than I am.

Trust me.

For me, I like/hope to learn as this project evolves.

And do trust me, I come from WAAY behind you, my friend!


Offer help:

If you promise me you're sincere in the proposal, then I welcome you aboard the Team!!!

And your input, to me, is as valuable as that of any other.

BTW: I think that you're underestimating yourself a bit.

And even if you're not: the fact you try is important, and if you are like me, we both be learning a TON in this project.

So, even if the mod should fail horribly, the time spend is never lost, and perhaps a few good friends are made in the process.

All by all, only good things can come out of this.


I am not making a battle on who is better, who has done more, I am trying to bring an idea into form, and give this to the world, hoping the world will enjoy the creation...

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Not a great modder:

Even if your basically a disaster-modder, you'd be a thousand times better than I am.

Trust me.

For me, I like/hope to learn as this project evolves.

And do trust me, I come from WAAY behind you, my friend!


Offer help:

If you promise me you're sincere in the proposal, then I welcome you aboard the Team!!!

And your input, to me, is as valuable as that of any other.

BTW: I think that you're underestimating yourself a bit.

And even if you're not: the fact you try is important, and if you are like me, we both be learning a TON in this project.

So, even if the mod should fail horribly, the time spend is never lost, and perhaps a few good friends are made in the process.

All by all, only good things can come out of this.


I am not making a battle on who is better, who has done more, I am trying to bring an idea into form, and give this to the world, hoping the world will enjoy the creation...

Then I would love to help with the project! One of the first things we need to look at doing. Is getting a few modelers for the team. And a few more people that know scripting and such. I know scripting isn't very hard and relatively easy to learn, but it would be best if we had people who knew exactly what they are doing.

I'm playing around with some of the default meshes and textures. Im using gimp to retexture them and see what I can do with the original textures. I'm learning a few neat things about texturing from it.


Anyways, I hope I'll be a nice addition to the team. Also, I subscribed to the topic, so I will get updates whenever this is posted in :D

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@ Ixflashpointxi:

More Modders:

I am trying, trust me.

You are the very first, I hope many others will soon join in.

And not just Modders...


Everyone with ideas, or basically everyone that wants to contribute, in whatever way, is welcome, and will be credited.



3-5 more Building/Construction Modellers*.

3 Armor/Weaponry Modellers*.

2 Trap Creators*.

1-2 Dwemer Lore Masters* (with an open mind to the project).

2-3 Think Tank Cooperators* (People with ideas/suggestions).


Since TK is not out, we will begin with Meshes/Textures, other artistic things related to 3d modeling, Story Building, things that do not need a TK.


EDIT: Just thought of something I forgot:

@ Ixflashpointxi: you said you are hearing impaired.

I am a cripple, I have a 66+% invalidity income, and I repair/install computers for people that are less fortunate, for free (except when there are costs, then either the client has to get the new part, or advance me the money so I can get it for them, and I will give the return with bill back).

I am doing this, the computer thing, to do something for the community, since being in a wheelchair, I can't do much else.

I am Autistic, I have ADHD (the combination Autism/ADHD makes me very extrovert, where near all other autistic people are rather introvert), an extreme version of insomnia that leads often to epileptic seizures that tear my body apart.

Whether you are different in health, have a different skin color, religion or sexual favor, I do not care.

To me, there are only 2 races: good folks, and the others...


And now I REALLY need to run.

Edited by Klipperken
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