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Snap to grid problems with CK (vaults)


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Hi guys,


So I have been having a lot of problems with the CK when it comes to the snap to grid for Vaults interiors.

It seems as though some sections are impossible to align.

For example Walls would connect just fine but the door will never fit into the wall frame.

I will try to get some specific examples later.


Also when trying to use some existing vaults like 75, 81 or 88 for a specific room or clutter rather than starting from scratch nothing seems to fit quite right. It's as if I do not do the work 100% myself rather than copy pasting resources from other cells then nothing would align right.


Is there anyone here that can help me with this? If the snap to grid worked properly it would make my life so much more easier...


Thank you.

Edited by Eidius
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One thing that might be worth trying is opening Preferences and altering the Snap to Grid values. The values there control how far each object moves when Snap to Grid is on. A lower value will usually allow more accurate snapping. However, sometimes objects don't snap together well, even as part of a kit.

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  On 12/29/2016 at 6:08 PM, McclaudEagle said:

One thing that might be worth trying is opening Preferences and altering the Snap to Grid values. The values there control how far each object moves when Snap to Grid is on. A lower value will usually allow more accurate snapping. However, sometimes objects don't snap together well, even as part of a kit.

Could you provide an example? Hopefully in image format?



I will try tonight and see what gives.

Thank you both. I will update as to what I manage asap.

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  On 12/29/2016 at 7:21 PM, BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah said:

I do love it when the CK randomly decides to change everything to a .01111 (or 89.8889, or whatever) z axis, so that when you come back an hour or so later and do few more edits, then play test...holes and seems everywhere.


...I'm not being helpful.

LOL, but you are helpful! If anyone have to deal with unreliable software save often, save always! At least some saved version will still be useful!


A bit of topic, I had a new world space imported and compiled that without any what soever error regarding LOD. Yippee! The only change for the second run was to add landscape style in this case grass texture for the isles. However this time CK decided I have errors in my new world space hightmap? And actually I did find the spot in game but NOT in CK, so I have no freaking clue what I need to adjust!


So @Eidius the best advice ever when working with GECK/CK for a mod you make save often save always! The tools we have to work with has always all back to MW had issues, over the time the community of Bethesda game lovers created workarounds, for FO4 it's still in the late alfa state.


A general low level advice when working in CK set your smart phone, egg clock timer to Beep every 10,20 minutes, make a save, Alt +Tab and have an open File Explorer into DATA of the game and make a Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V of your mod file and accept. This way you at least have a copy to get back to that worked before CK decided anything else.

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Jesus christ how does Bethesda work with this garbage?

No luck guys I cant seem to be able to use resources. Everything will have to be made from scratch.

I do have an idea of the clutter though so I guess not all hope is lost.

Edited by Eidius
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They don't since they have the full version of the tool, we got a stripped one and/but without manual how do do things proper without breaking the limits this in house tool has. This has been discussed over the years in lot of topics. And the most major benefit if something breaks the creator at Bethesda can just walk over to the programming section and ask what the heck happened and get a full novel with why and what is the cause, we can not.


What scale do you try use? for GECK a power of 2 was in "general" working for the grid like 8,16,32,64,128 but I noticed some assets already then did not fit into that scheme at all. Maybe they for FO4 have switched to a metric system? So you should use 5,10,20 as a grid scale instead? Just thinking out of the blue. I have not dived into that part yet, still struggle with world spaces in general.

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