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Nexus Crashes Constantlly


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Literally exactly what the title says. I open Nexus and go to fallout 4. Then i hit the plugins tab and without fail, the program just crashes. if i open any of the mod folders, it crashes. I cant even get close enough to delete or disable any of the mods. I can't even find their locations in the files to delete them manually. if someone has a fix or at least any explanation for this it would be most appreciated.


Edit: was able to delete all the mods and everything seemed fine. However the second I downloaded the Official Fallout 4 patch the problem returned in full force


Edit. . . Again: Uninstalled the Official Fallout 4 Patch and installed a different mod with the same results. I have absolutely no idea what to do now. also that guy who stayed on my thread for twenty minutes and never said anything can go f*#@ himself. like seriously i stared at your name for twenty goddamn minutes waiting for you to say something. And I was like OH s#*!, this dudes got like over a thousand posts surely he'll help me! apparently i'm an idiot i'm going to go die now while I wait for another person to stare at my thread and not say anything goddammit.

Edited by Thosetimis
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The person might have opened your thread, read it, gone looking for answers on your behalf or simply been distracted by something else in their life. Your attitude is not going to endear you to people who might be able to offer help. None of the rest of us are waiting on tenterhooks for an answer to your thread.


To clarify, it's actually Nexus Mod Manager itself that is crashing and not the Fallout game? If so, I recommend going to your Windows Programs and apps to uninstall NMM from there. Then try downloading it again and installing from a fresh copy. You might have gotten a corrupted download or something.

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The person might have opened your thread, read it, gone looking for answers on your behalf or simply been distracted by something else in their life. Your attitude is not going to endear you to people who might be able to offer help. None of the rest of us are waiting on tenterhooks for an answer to your thread.


To clarify, it's actually Nexus Mod Manager itself that is crashing and not the Fallout game? If so, I recommend going to your Windows Programs and apps to uninstall NMM from there. Then try downloading it again and installing from a fresh copy. You might have gotten a corrupted download or something.


Yes it is Nexus Mod Manager that is crashing and not fallout. I thank you for the suggestion but i have already twice reinstalled Nexus. Also i am sorry to have offended anybody. I was simply making a Joke and just looking for something to say to bump my post to the top of the forums. sorry again

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But did you try reinstalling from the same file or a fresh download? You might also consider using an older version since the latest versions are incredibly buggy anyway and frequently won't install mods properly. I don't recommend going any older than 0.61.21 as you'll need its fix for the way the game handles plugins. https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Nexus-Mod-Manager/releases Or alternatively you can try Mod Organizer 2, it's recently been picked up by a new developer. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6194/?

Edited by damanding
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