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Graphics light blurr upon screen load then change to normal ...(?)


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Here's an issue that has been bothoring me for quite a while. I notice when I fast travel to a new location, the surrounding textures of (say walls,) starts out looking more bland/fuzzy. If I stand there for about 5 seconds, it changes all of a sudden to a more detailed texture (like how it is supposed to be.) I also notice this when I am on a loading screen. The turning picture starts out in a low grade texture setting, then in 5 seconds turns "prettier" and the skin texture of the turning object of a sudden looks detailed. HUH?? Any ideas on how to adjust or fix this? I use an Nvidia card and I specify graphics settings for the game. Is there a buffer I should set?? Maybe a setting I should turn off? I need help. Thank you! (below is a before and after...notice the closest wall......)



Edited by etherdose
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This has been bothering me lately too. And for me at least, it's a very recent thing. I'm not saying 1.5 didn't create the issue, just that i never saw it till the last month.

Didn't there used to be some ini edit you could do to fix this? I seem to remember something about that, but i could be getting my wires crossed there. I never paid much attention at the time that the ini edit was talked about, cause i never had the problem then. I'm tempted to see if i can live with the slightly longer load time to be honest, rather than this mess.

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Lately this has been bugging me when having conversations with NPCs. I play in first person mode so conversation is normally the only time I see my character. I'm playing a guy character wearing Elianora's Gunslinger outfit and the neck scarf looks really blurry during conversations...but inconsistently. So yeah I feel your pain. But I'm still on a potato video card for awhile longer anyway. :(

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