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esp modified content not loading in game


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Sorry if my questions make me sound like a newbie, I'm a mod creator for Skyrim but I've been just starting experiencing with Fallout 4 CK.


Here's my issue:


1. I added a container inside the Molerat Den - an interior cell part of RedRocket settlement, but one which in game resets normally. That .esp loads fine in game and the content shows up, while the cell keeps resetting normally which could indicate that this cell is not affected by the settlement reset bug.


2. I played a while, leveled up a bit, then went back to that .esp to add some modifications - in this instance, I've simply added new items inside that container, which creates a new version of the same loaded .esp.


3. But when I get in game, these new items don't appear in the container - it's like the game only wants to load the original .esp and completely ignores my new edits - or does not overwrite the old .esp.



I'm not sure what's going on here - in Skyrim, I could edit my cells to add new objects even after playing a while with that plugin and these edits would overwrite the loaded .esp to immediately show up in game.


Is that something which doesn't work in F04? I'd understand the settlement bug to affect new objects placed into that cell, but just new items added into a loaded container?..

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1. Bethesda fixed the Cell Reset Bug back in April if I remember correctly.


2. I'm a little confused by this "Which Creates a new Version of the same loaded .esp"


You should be editing your original .esp are you trying to use one .esp as a master to another with the Ckit? If so that won't work because the ckit won't let you and removes the .esp dependency when you save and close it.


You are setting your .esp as "Active" when trying to go back and edit it right?


If you could clarify a little bit it would be helpful but, if the container is for some reason Persistent would also not see the edits without a clean save from before the mod was installed.

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Edit: forgot to mention:


the modified .esp loads fine with its new content when I first uninstall the 1st .esp, make a (sort of) clean save in between and then install the new .esp - but then it works like any new mod install.


My concern is does that mean you can't develop and test a WIP mod simply overwriting older .esp's "on the run" like we could in Skyrim?

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No you can what I'm not getting is why your getting a new.esp instead of just updating the one you already have.


Quests, and Persistent ref's will need saves from before the edits or updates to work properly but, I've been working on the same.esp file for my mod since the Ckit Beta and I have never had to create a new.esp for it.

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@ Chucksteel:


Thanks for replying and sorry if my Frenchy's English is unclear. Yeah sure, I set it as active, modify it in the CK, then save my modifications which overwrites the loaded .esp with a more recent version. Then go directly back in game to check my modifications on an already loaded plugin.


I hadn't thought about persistency though - it shouldn't be persistent (if it works in any way like Skyrim), no script or quest attached or anything, just a plain, no-respawn, Vanilla container - but maybe the fact that it is placed in an interior cell which is part of the RedRocket location group automatically makes it persistent?


Or does it work in such a different way from Skyrim? I remember modding any cell, interior or exterior, without ever having to make a clean save in between changes... I only needed a clean save if I changed the placed objects coordinates or if I made significant changes to scripts attached to them...

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No you can what I'm not getting is why your getting a new.esp instead of just updating the one you already have. 

It's a language mistake, sorry - it is not a new .esp, it's just a modified one, an update - same name, same place in the load order.

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It's all good I just wanted to be sure I understood your issue. :thumbsup:


It should be working the same as skyrim, i didn't mod skyrim but FO4 still works the same as FO3 so I assume skyrim was the same.


Maybe it's a cell respawn issue, (Not the reset bug) try going to Sanctuary and waiting for the cell to respawn. Three days in that cell I think but I could be wrong and see if the container respawns with your added items.


All cells in FO4 have a respawn for the settlement system, this is so you can always find more junk to craft with.

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I just checked in F04Edit, that container is tagged as temporary - so it shouldn't be a matter of persistence.


Yeah, I did try to wait for 5 days in another cell, maybe I didn't wait long enough - but still that'd be odd, I would assume it worked kind of like Skyrim and I never had to wait for exterior cells reset to see newly placed objects appear in game...


I wish the CK wiki wouldn't be offline half the time :down:, that'd help...


Thanks for your help, Chucksteel :smile: - if you say you've been working on the same WIP .esp without ever needing to create a clean save, then something's obviously wrong with mine... Will try and wait longer, see if that has any kind of effect on loading that updated .esp.

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Well I do test my mods with kind of clean saves if your talking about game saves. In your case if I were doing it I would make a save just outside of the cave make my edits in the Ckit and test in game from that save.


I do think this has something to do with you making the mod, and then playing a bit. Editing the mod and the cell hasn't respawned yet.


I could be wrong on the rewpawn rate for that cell it could be longer and it does change if your playing hardcore. (It get's even longer)

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Yeah, I agree it may have something to do with my editing the mod after playing with it a bit, but then when users update a mod, they usually have been playing a bit with it to... :wink:. I made a fairly heavily scripted house mod for Skyrim you could actually update safely without ever leaving the cell or even stopping the music box playing...


Anyway, I cleared that Molerat den from all molerats and loot then went and slept 12 days on the other side of the map with no better result. Every other cell around had repawned except... that one. Maybe it's an issue with that particular cell which takes 30 days, I don't know... When you mod exterior cells, do you actually have to wait for them to respawn before you can see your plugin changes take effect?


Edit: slept 30 days away from that cell, molerats and loot respawned alright, but my new placed objects nor container's new content never loaded... So I guess it's not a matter of cell reset either... :wallbash:

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