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Closer pipboy


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It's worth noting that if you want to change the viewmodel FOV to make the Pipboy closer, you're going to have to do it every time you launch the game. Even if you change your normal 1st person FOV to a different value in your config, it will still use the default viewmodel FOV (70) every time. Personally, I fixed this by setting up an autoexec config that changes the FOV to 90, then runs the "refreshini" command, so that both my regular and viewmodel FOV values are at 90 (I've tried doing "fov 90 90" instead, but it just acts like using "fov 90" would and requires me to manually refresh the config settings), but I think that still counts as console commands which block achievements. You could achieve the same thing using 60 instead of 90, I suppose, but keep in mind that it will also move all weapons closer to your screen as well (which is why I increased mine).

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