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Items in Inventory don't look like they should

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As some of you may know I've been working on/maintaining a mod that adds new shields to the game. Up until now it's mostly just been smaller versions of existing shields. Now I'm trying to add completely new shields into the game and when I have it equipped it looks correct in my hand but in my inventory and when it's dropped on the ground it still looks like the Spellbreaker shield.


Now, I don't know if this has something to do with it but the shield I'm working on right now (The Shield of Winterhold) is an alternative replacer to the Spellbreaker for people who don't like golden, glowy shields. It uses the same enchantment as the Spellbreaker but the mesh itself looks like a regular guard shield with the symbol of Winterhold in place of the town symbol and it uses the proper mesh when it's equipped so, why does it look like the Spellbreaker every other time?


So, to try to fix this, because I thought this was some kind of issue tied to the Spellbreaker enchantment, I tried duplicating the enchantment and just renamed the duplicate to something else and attached it to the Shield of Winterhold. After I did that I fired up the game and it started crashing every time I pull up the Steel tab under the Forge menu which is where I've placed the Shield of Winterhold. I've since reverted back to an earlier version so I can keep testing but does anyone know why this is happening and what I can do to fix it?

Edited by VincentIcarus
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There are two mesh MOD2 records to change in regards to Spellbreaker. One is in its ARMO entry, the other in its ARMA entry. From the sound of things, you've only replaced the ARMA one, which dictates what it looks like in your hand.


As for the crashing, that sounds like some sort of typo when swapping enchantments. I had the same forge crash after changing an item, simply because I entered a wrong value. But since that's tied to a measure you used to duplicate the enchantment, that shouldn't be a problem once you sort out your mesh issue.

Edited by ZeroTorrent
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EDIT: Ok, I get it now. You have to edit MOD2 after you've open your .esp file with TESSnip. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!


Kudos given!

Edited by VincentIcarus
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It's under MOD2, just like in the ARMA entry. Change it the same way you did with ARMA.


EDIT: This is assuming you're using TESSnip (or straight HEX editing). SkyEdit doesn't allow you to change the model, looks like. I just opened it up to check, and that may be what's causing your problem, if that's what you use.

Edited by ZeroTorrent
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Okay, well that seemed to fix the model looking like Spellbreaker in the inventory, unfortunately now it looks like nothing. Nothing shows up. In TESSnip everything looks fine but when I opened my .esp in TESVSnip (supposedly, better for Skyrim editing) I get a warning that states: "Warning: The subrecord doesn't appear to conform to the expected structure. Saving is disable and the formatted information may be incorrect." I'm assuming this is part of the reason why it's not working. How would I fix this?
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Hrm, sounds like straight HEX editing might be the only option then. I'll look into the structure incompatibility and see what's different. I've not modded armor myself, only weapons. I guess ARMO has changed at least a little bit, causing some issues. It's good to know this, though.
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Can you link me a tutorial on how to straight Hex edit something? Please keep in mind that I've never done it before so the simpler the better. I tried Googling it but all that showed up were tutorials on how to hex edit Xbox 360 saves. :(
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I have no idea of a tutorial either. I've only done HEX editing on my own, and haven't written anything up on it.


Basically, you open the file with a HEX editor and find the path for Spellbreaker, which should be, in HEX:


41 72 6d 6f 72 5c 53 70 65 6c 6c 62 72 65 61 6b 65 72 5c 53 70 65 6c 6c 62 72 65 61 6b 65 72 2e 6e 69 66 00
A  r  m  o  r  \  S  p  e  l  l  b  r  e  a  k  e  r  \  S  p  e  l  l  b  r  e  a  k  e  r  .  n  i  f  [null]


You'd replace that with your path, which you could probably just copy/paste from the ARMA entry, depending on what kind of HEX editor you use. Otherwise, Convert the text and enter it manually. Don't forget the 00 byte at the end though for the null character.


Unfortunately, I don't have an armor plugin at my disposal to give more specific answers.

Edited by ZeroTorrent
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It works now. Actually, everything was completely fine from the beginning, I just didn't add the 00 at the end for the [null] effect. Thank you so very, very much. If I could kiss you through the screen I would. (No homo, if you're a guy.)
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Glad to help. :)


EDIT: After a bit of playing around, it seems that SkyEdit DOES at least allow you to SEE raw HEX data. I'm not sure about editing it, but that's pretty handy to have.

Edited by ZeroTorrent
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