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Follower Issue - New Modder


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Hi, I'm brand new to modding and I'm slowly learning the ropes but there's an issue that I'm having with an animal follower mod I've been trying to create. I've been using Darkfox127's tutorial on YouTube and so far the dog has shown up in game and has the dialogue options I've placed, however whenever I click on the options, none of the text that I inputted as the dog's response shows up.


Also, when I first walk up to the dog it starts following me automatically without me having to click the "Follow Me" option.


I've used Darkfox127's scripts and followed his tutorial to the letter so I'm not sure where to go just yet as scripting and the CK in general seem like a totally new beast to me. But I'm pretty good at learning fast so long as things are explained i.e what they do and their purpose and maybe an example.


I'll post the Dismiss Script below since that's the first thing I've been troubleshooting and can provide any other scripts as necessary. Hopefully someone can help me get to the bottom of this!


This is in the Papyrus Fragment section:

(pDialogueFollower as DialogueFollowerScript).DismissAnimal()

And this is the actual script section:

Scriptname DFDogDismiss Extends TopicInfo Hidden
{Animal follower script. Place this text into your script as shown in my tutorial and change the script name to match your own.}


Quest Property pDialogueFollower  Auto


Function Fragment_0(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef)
	Actor akSpeaker = akSpeakerRef as Actor
	(pDialogueFollower as DialogueFollowerScript).DismissAnimal()

Also I guess when I was clicking around things, something messed up and now I can't edit the source code for the script so I may have to re-do it entirely; bummer.

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select the Advance tab & deleted fragment, then remove Script & close.


Reopen & place a ; as a papyrus end fragment & close


Reopen click properties select Quest & paste over NewProperty with DialogueFollower so it Auto Fills.


go back to the ; and paste over with

(self.DialogueFollower as DialogueFollowerScript).DismissAnimal() & Close to Compile for last time

;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment
Scriptname TIF__02000001 Extends TopicInfo Hidden

Function Fragment_0(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef)
Actor akSpeaker = akSpeakerRef as Actor
(self.DialogueFollower as DialogueFollowerScript).DismissAnimal() 

;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment

Quest Property DialogueFollower Auto

It should look like the above if you did right, with your ScriptName (TIF__whatever)


It should have a Fragment Index higher than 0 with next being higher than 1 as well that is normal & ok.

Edited by PeterMartyr
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