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A genuine but GOOD list of ideas... (by Greytale)


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Hi all... first off, I absolutely loved Morrowind, Oblivion, and now of course--Skyrim. I modded the heck out of all of them too, so... although I'm not "a modder"... I love to mod my games.


Secondly, if I have some ideas that have already been posted / thought about / discussed... my apologies--I'm just coming to speak my mind and I don't post a lot to forums. So again, if "my idea" is shared by others, so be it, no worries!


Alright, so... some ideas... keep in mind--most of these PROBABLY require the usage of SKSE and/or the upcoming(?) developer's kit...


[EDIT] -- Made a "shortened" version of the list:


1. - Leave a marker behind

2. - NPC greeting, shaking hands, clench, etc.

3. - Duck (get DOWN!)

4. - Active Blocking / Parrying

5. - HITBOXES per body areas (head, arms, chest, legs)

6. - Auto attack combos

7. - Enchanted weapons with actual flame, ice, magic effects


9. - Ability to back up--quickly!

10. - Leave a footprint

11. - Starvation, eating, drinking option

12. - Visually /physically drink or see other actions

13. - Arrow or spell deflection (and REflection)

14. - Block AND be able to use the other hand to perform an attack/spell

15. - Light Levels Affect Sneaking (not so ridiculous in stealing pants off of someone in daylight)

16. - Clutter flies around + behaves more logically during intense battles (burns? can be destroyed?)

17. - Bring Back Greaves & Cloaks

18. - Weapon & shield classes could be added (crossbows, spears, boomerang style / magic axes, etc.)

19. - More custom markers

20. - More "wandering" folks/animals/parties/caravans/etc.

21. - Jump on an enemy's head from up high = hurts them bad, hurts you a bit

22. - Telescope item to see in the distance

23. - "Full Suit" quick keys -- possibly using "bags" or "backpacks"


25. - Cursor float-over item = show me some details! (during gameplay, I'm not talking about inventory screens)

26. -MAGIC AXES!! (ok, so it's sorta covered in #18, but... even alone, this is a great homage to Ultima V)

27. -Cats. Lizards. Other birds. Weasels. Mice. Littered about. (sort of falls under #20 to a point)

28. -Grass burns, leaves burn, items can be destroyed.

29. This one is just for fun... maybe just an enemy (Doppleganger?) that morphs into different creatures at will.

30. Another for fun... a "Magic Elemental" (or Atronach) that shifts colors/shape/behavior & resistances based on what it is being assailed with.

31. -Journal of your OWN and/or an item you can write in

32. -Customizable/scalable IMAGES and EFFECTS with spells--and I don't just mean fire, ice, lightning

33. -Set traps + lure enemies into them?

34. -Better equipping? Drag & drop?

35. -Dual Blocking??

36. -Day of Sorcery / Day of Protection - (idea stolen from old Might & Magic series... cast multiple spells all at once!)

37. -UNCAST persistent spells?? (Negate Magic / Dispel)

38. -Spell2Weapon Channelling?

39. -Random, customized, "special" enchantments on basic gear

40. -Better Spell Charging--fire a spell at any time during "chargeup"

41. -Mark Books as 'read' if you already read them

42. -Please fix shadow mapping...

43. -Companions can ride other owned horses

44. -More transportation variance (although it's been covered by a modder a bit)




Descriptive list:



1. - Leave a marker behind - ... To explain--if you'd like to stab a sword into the ground (as a marker)... you're allowed to do so. Feel like putting a sign up? You can. Want to leave a stack of rocks behind (such as the ones with a little flag)... you can! Other thoughts on this could go on and on...


2. - Wassup brosef!?! - NPC greeting, shaking hands, clench, etc. - ... Shake hands with an NPC upon starting a conversation? Sure, why not. Differing greetings? Sure, a hug for a gal... a "clench" for a bro-hug... clasping of arms... why not? After all--when you initiate conversation... you're about to start listening to a bunch of things + go clicking on some text--might as well have any/all of THAT going on in the background.


3. - Get DOWN! (Duck) - ... Why you cannot DUCK... or sort of dodge left/right/leap back, etc. -- is beyond me. It seems that it should be EASY to do this (shouldn't need to be special moves) with double-taps in any particular direction or... IDK, some keybind. Ducking could especially be neat if your character literally "looks down" a bit while doing so. Especially immersive from 1st-person perspective.


4. - Active Blocking / Parrying - ... Ok, congratulations--you chose to work on the blocking skill. Spellsword or fighter or otherwise... blocking is BORING if all you're doing is holding down the "shield key", lol. How about at least a LITTLE collision-detection... where the physical shield must generally protect from where the blow is coming from? AND you should be able to MOVE THE SHIELD AROUND with the mouse or... something! You know... a little higher, a little left, a little lower... etc.


5. - HITBOXES?!?!? per body areas (head, arms, chest, legs) - ... Why in the world can't an arrow to the head be critical damage? Spell to the head. Fireball to the head. Heck... if you throw a HEAVY POT at someone--it should HURT, lol. And hey... for further immersion... it can happen to YOU too! Or... at least maybe arrows "bounce off of helms" 80% of the time, and critical hits actually "hit the head"... or ... you know what I mean.


Geez... I just remember one of my favorite games--Deus Ex (#1, not the others)--doing this VERY well... and THAT WAS IN 2000!!!


6. - COMBO THAT! Auto attack combos - ... Why in the name of God couldn't they move from the Oblivion + Morrowind hack & slash... to the more widely-accepted "combo" style of options? Even BASIC ones--we don't need to get Street Fighter fancy. Attack at certain angles? Low, medium, high... produce "undercuts / understrikes" or overhead bashes... thrusts for swords?!?!? Tapping as a button masher should at least produce a combo (randomly selected of--let's say--8 possible 3-4-hit patterns?) now and again. Maybe not always. Maybe based on your stamina... some combos become less and less "possible to throw" if your stamina is <=25% or <=50%, etc. etc. etc. Some combos can't be stopped so easily??


There is A LOT that could be done here. Finishing moves, too... I know there are already some (duh)... but--variety would be nice. 8-10 per each weapon type??? idk...


Spell Combo-ing, anyone? Yeah. That would be neat too.


7. - Swords with FLAMES - ... Axes with ice/frost... Maces with electricity... etc.? Um... why are these effects not in the vanilla game? I am talking about the GRAPHICS of your weapon... SEEING the flames on the sword... maybe the stronger the enchantment--the brighter/more vibrant the effect?!? Different COLORS if you so choose??? IDK. Would this be so hard. No. Just like the 4gb LAA patch. No--it's not hard. It just wasn't done.


8. - SPRINT JUMP - ... There is nothing more to say. You should be able to do this. Period. I've heard the whole "but you could break quests and you might..." -- FINE. It's YOUR problem if you decide to sprint jump into the next universe or outside the boundaries of Whiterun, or... into Alduin's flaming halitosis-spitting jaws. But seriously. Please. WHY can't you sprint AND jump?!?!? It's ridiculous. Even Mario, Sonic, and even Barbie can do it, lol.


9. - Back that arse up - ... There is no reason why you shouldn't be able to BACKPEDAL QUICKLY. Should it be at your full run and/or sprint speed? No. But the pathetic rate your character backs away when I'm trying to dodge a giant two-handed attack... is ludicrous. In fact--it almost NEVER works.


While I'm at it... why does it seem as though a character can be like 40 feet away... swing... and PUMMEL ME?!?!? I figured, "Oh... ok... so I can do that too of course" --*swings*--... ... MISSED. lol. That is kinda immersion-breaking, too.


10. - Leave a footprint - ... Why would this be hard. Decals. Blood already leaves these... spells already leave these... wth... ??? Heck... you could even drip blood if you're wounded. So could NPCs.


11. - Starvation? - ... Even Dovakiin could be required to eat. Maybe sleep too? (I personally have actually "slept" only ONCE, hahahah). Still as an optional mod/patch... but... seems logical. Not that I think it's "worth it" for horses/NPCs to be forced to do this.


12. - Physically drink or see other actions - ... Might be neat to actually see your character quaff an ale, or... maybe even put on a new helm. You know... just things like this. Pick up an apple... set down an object... IDK... just an idea.


13. - Arrow or spell deflection - ... You know... there's no reason why a 100 skilled Archer or a high-level Mage with those "Wards" cast... can't REFLECT ARROWS (or spells!) right back at people firing at you. After all... you're Dovakiin, right? :) Sure, sure... a little like a Jedi, but so what. Should it occur 100% of the time? Probably not. Sometimes, reflections go astray... other times--reversal of fortune on the enemy. Fun stuff. "Realistic"? Of course not. But what game is. How is carrying 4 magic axes, 3 sets of armor, 2 flaming swords... and a partridge and a pear tree LOGICAL?!?!


And that's just your weaponry/armor. What about people lugging around 20+ books? hehehe ;)


14. - Block AND be able to use the other hand - ... at the same time! You know... use your shield and still be able to cast spells at people!??! Or did I miss something...


15. - Light Levels Affect Sneaking - ... so it's not so ridiculous? I love how you can "sneak" in broad DAYLIGHT (or with the Candlelight spell on). Anyhow. Some improvements could be made here. I actually loved how in Morrowind, you simply needed to be "more invisible" due to enchanted rings or... whatever. God, that was GREAT. It made SENSE, too... well... video game sense. Oh... a sidenote... I think it's BEYOND absolutely ridiculous that you can LITERALLY steal the shirt (and pants... AND dress... AND shoes) off of someone if your "skill" is high enough. LOL. That is soooooo immersion-breaking, hahahah...


< -- goes to "pickpocket" a Dragon's flame/frost breath...


16. - Clutter flies around more logically during intense battles - ... I've noticed that clutter (mugs, candles, plates, books, etc.) doesn't tend to even LEAVE THE OBJECT IT'S ON when you toss screen-shaking fireballs around the room, laying waste to your enemies. Am I missing something? In Oblivion... it seemed to fly EVERYWHERE... literally a maelstrom of munchies everywhere when I hit a banquet table whilst trying to hit the Elven Dark Mage across the room...


Is this too much to ask?!?!? It's so much FUN to see all that insanity!! Stuff you could never get away with in real life, hahaha...



17. - Bring Back Greaves & Cloaks - ... The more wearable items, the better. Wearing a cape/cloak... wearing CLOTHES UNDER YOUR ARMOR... would be "fun". Game-breaking? Maybe. If you abuse the enchanting, but... come on. It's fun!






Well... I think that's a pretty good list of things for now. :) I'm sure I have many more, but most of them are what the modding community has basically already done.


Hope you guys like it... feel free to discuss, have fun, make a mod... flame me, or agree with me!



***************** EDIT ************** I'm going to continue adding... whether "my" idea or others (with their permission only--not because it's such a BIG deal, but... I like to give credit where it is due!!



18. - Weapon & shield classes could be added - not crazy, but "expected ones" - ... Umm, such as bloody CROSSBOWS? Halberds (ok, sure we have hammers/axes, but they aren't precisely POLEARMS that have REACH)... Morning Stars (Mace on a chain)... how about spiked shields that can ADD DAMAGE TO BASHING (b/c they are spiked)... or just different shields?? Kite shield... Round shield... heater... I mean (again) sure we have the shapes being shown on the game, but they don't offer any different protection boxes (???!) ... at least I don't think so. Oh yeah... spears/pilars could be there for weapons as well, although they might function as both a thrusting weapon (sword thrust would be nice)... and possibly be able to be thrown...


heck, while we're at it... why not be able to THROW potions (ok, poisons) as weapons? Or even "pilars" (throwing spears)


It seems to me that these things (individually) aren't THAT tough, as most objects already behave in similar ways for different purposes in the game:


Arrows = behave like a throwing spear / pilar. I may be wrong, but isn't a throwing spear in FONV?? sorry I don't know the short code (Fallout New Vegas)

Polearm weapons = behave like other axes, hammers, they just REACH FURTHER. Should have a distinct distance advantage when vs. someone holding a sword (duh), and be great for crowd control--sweep through many enemies at once, lol


ALSO while we're here... shouldn't most ANYTHING that can be picked up be able to be used as a weapon? Even a chair? Pick it up--throw it... hit someone--it may cause MINIMAL damage, but it should still HURT. Cups... bowls... tankards... bottles... why not?


Reminds me of Deus Ex (1st one)... where you could be killed by... well... most anything if it dropped from high enough -- even a bottle of "Zyme", lol!


19. - More custom map markers - ... I may have said this already, but what's wrong with giving people (let's say) 8-10 colored markers (red, green, blue, yellow, purple, etc.) to mark your destinations? Not JUST ONE?!? Skyrim's bloody big. I like to mark some areas that don't mark themselves...


20. - More "wandering" folks/animals/parties/caravans/etc. - ... I just mentioned it--Skyrim's BIG. I'd like to see more folks wandering around--especially in a few DIFFERENT carriages, carts, caravans... maybe even some kind of procession?? Who CARES if they all have something unique to say or not (right now, vanilla characters that are "extras" don't anyhow)...


Also... the random thieves or thugs that come out are ridiculous. More traps should be set, or tricks, etc. Might even be cool that someone could sneak up on you... rip off some of your gear... then you now have a quest to track down the thief? Or they even knock you unconscious (if you're not careful)... and... yah wake up a prisoner in one of the many dungeons they already have??


THERE'S a "Radiant" quest for ya... ;)


21. - Jump on their head--hurts them bad, hurts you a bit ... - Umm... not to use Deus Ex (2000) as reference again... but, yah--a 10+ year old game had the idea of if you jump from up high down onto someone/something... not only can it BREAK YOUR FALL... you can kill or hurt them.


Why can't you do this to Giants? Or even ride a dragon (if you dare) mid-flight? I say why not--couldn't be TOO hard to program...


22. - Telescope? - ... you have to admit--it'd be neat. "Zoom in" while not feeling like you're somehow using a sniper rifle scope, lol. Also... while I'm here... I've found it EXCEEDINGLY difficult to "be waaaay out there", far away from enemies... yet still be able to shoot arrows (or spells) at them. This is often because (at least for me)... A) it won't register that I hit them... even if I'm dead-on target... or B) they "aren't there" yet, and only steps closer, they teleport into view...



23. - "Full Suit" quick keys -- possibly using "bags" or "backpacks" - ... it'd be nice if I didn't have to constantly switch 8+ items in order to switch from "Magicka Replenishment armor/jewelry" to... IDK... "Blocking Percentage + Light armor increase" sets.


Why couldn't you simply have "bags" or something, where... everything you put in there can get equipped if you EQUIP THE BAG ITSELF. :) Hanh? What's wrong with that? Oh, and you can only put one type of armor, circlet, etc. in a bag. Potions don't go, misc stuff doesn't go, ebony ingots are a no-no for armor/jewelry bags, etc. etc.


24. - RENAME ITEMS WHENEVER!!! - ... I have no idea why I put this @ #24. I must be high (but I don't do drugs, no joke). This has got to be one of the MOST annoying things with the game (only being able to rename an item when you enchant one).


I'm TRYING to ORGANIZE my items, but they're all OVER the place. And I'm lucky if--while I'm enchanting--I actually REMEMBER to rename items... since I'm usually working on building the enchant skill.


Items also appear somewhat "truncated" in the favorites list ANYHOW... so... good luck if you either picked up or named something "The awesome shield of.... ..." (and it was like 50% fire resistance). You may even have THREE of those--one for each element/resistance, so all you see is:


"The awesome shield of.... ..."

"The awesome shield of.... ..."

"The awesome shield of.... ..."


...that's ridiculous. So if I could simply rename them to "50% Fire - Ebony Shield" and... whatever "857% Magic - Glass Shield" (lol)... what's the big deal?


It seems that this was SO EASY to have the ability to do--IT'S ALREADY THERE WHEN YOU ENCHANT ITEMS, WHY NOT ANYTIME?!?!?!?


I could even get over the fact that (maybe?) you "couldn't" rename an item that you didn't build/make/craft/enchant. I wouldn't care. But the worst thing is... now I have a bunch of "Emerald & Jade" amulets or circlets, and some "Sapphire & ______" rings or whatever... and I never know what they do unless I bring up the main inventory list... :/


Kinda defeats the purpose of favorites...


25. - Cursor float-over item = show me some details! - ... why not show the value, item details, etc. of the item (ingredients too!) when the cursor hovers over it? Or... at least have it as an option/check box.


Come to think of it... most ANYTHING could be a simple checkbox to enable/disable for any of my ideas above...


26. -MAGIC AXES!! - ... Ok, so it shows now. I'm a HUGE fan of the old-school Ultima V game. Oh and if you don't know what THAT is... check out the "Lazarus Project", the EXCELLENT remake of that epic old game by Lord British (Richard Garriott)... you really should play it.


Anyhow... weapons that you can throw and which return to you. Why not?!


That was my absolute favorite weapon in any game of all time (strangely, even over the lightsaber)... and so... man--if SKyrim has THAT... well--that settles it being THE definitive best game ever, heheh!


27. -Cats. Lizards. Other birds. Weasels. Mice. Littered about. - ... I seem to remember a "Cats & Mice" mod for Oblivion--the one where "house pet" style cats would roam the cities, chase mice... whatever. Pretty cool! Why not see some of that? And in the wild? We already see a few deer... some bears... some tigercats... why not field mice, lizards, rats (NOT JUST SKEEVERS, dammit!!), SNAKES for god's sake... where are these??


I mean, ok, ok... I get it. Skyrim = survival of the fittest. But... you're telling me that *NO* little rodents and raccoons and... worms and stuff are out there?!? Not even a FEW?!?!?


There could even be little random "fake" textured holes in the ground that become "their holes". For things like snakes or prairie dogs. They could see you--freak out... run... and if they "collide" with their holes--they're gone for a while!! :) Until you chill, hehheh


28. -Grass burns, leaves burn, items can be destroyed. - ... I'm thinking if there is a way for certain items/objects (ESPECIALLY GRASS) in Skyrim... to literally... well... burn! This sure would make Dragons look like they literally lay WASTE to a field... whilst toasting poor, feeble guards, etc. ....


Now, I don't have a problem if a random chair or whatever "respawns" later on after being decimated, but... yeah, why can't they burn into kindling, ashes (or even nothing).


Grass may be tougher--I don't know how the objects work. But it would be amazing to see:


* Fire + Grass = scorched earth decals left behind (big time) + grass is GONE. Maybe grows back later (cell buffer resets, or whatever)

* Fire + Wood Object = Burns, blackens... turns to charcoal + ash + wood kindling?? Maybe object respawns later???

* Fire + Tree = Burns the branches, they all set ablaze, burn off? No forest fires (where ONE tree catches ANOTHER on fire), thank you... but... this might be interesting & doable?

* Ice + Grass = ... ... frozen grass? Animation stops + turns color set... uh... ICY?!? Hard to do? Maybe. IDK

* Ice + _____ = etc.


While we're here, could you FREEZE someone... then they literally die... and you MELT the body (sort of like distintegrate via ashes) with flames?? Or you could set someone/something on fire, and put them OUT with ice?? IDK. Seems like a logical move in terms of spell effects.


Freeze sections of a lake? BOIL sections of water? Hmm. Might be too much to be thinking about--even WHEN/IF the construction kit becomes available, heheheh :)


29. This one is just for fun... maybe just an enemy (Doppleganger?) that morphs into different creatures at will. You fight... it changes... you have to change tactics...


30. Another for fun... a "Magic Elemental" (or Atronach) that shifts colors/shape/behavior & resistances based on what it is being assailed with. Could be a formidable foe to a Dragon if designed well... for example:


* You use fire against it... it morphs into some shape/configuration with a fire shield present

* You hack and slash at it... it's skin stacks into what seems to be scales or essentially--Dragonskin / Ebonyskin...

* You cast ice spells at it... and it unleashes a flame shield...



Might be neat... and certainly a good "Conjuration" spell!


31. -Journal of your OWN and/or an item you can write in - ... I seem to recall SOME game I played many many years ago where you could literally edit the wording in the notes. Wait... not only could I do it in that game, but... yes, you could do this with Deus Ex (1st one) as well! Anyhow... it would be cool if you could scribe your own notes.


To go further, it'd be nice if you could edit quest notes as well. Maybe an option to go back to the default writings the system auto-writes would be great (if you somehow screw up your notes SO badly)... but anyhow... it's an idea to add immersion. This way, you make notes about area that aren't listed in the quest page or even on the map.


32. -Customizable/scalable IMAGES and EFFECTS with spells--and I don't just mean fire, ice, lightning - ... It'd be nice if you could craft your own spells--I seem to recall Morrowind at LEAST allowed you to do fire + frost + shock damage all in one spell if you so chose... and even the graphical effect changed depending on the power of the spell...


Somehow, I think Bethesda dropped the ball with this, as... they COULD have made spells:


A) Have scaling damage. If you're level 1, it does BASE + LEV or BASE * LEV or whatever. You get the idea. Not these idiotic STATIC DAMAGE spells. That's ridiculous.

B) Have scaling GRAPHICS as damage increases. In other words... bigger flame effect for higher level castings. Sure, there is a "cap" on size, but... you know... a MASSIVE fireball vs. a little one.

C) Have mixed graphical effects. If you shoot fire AND ice with the same spell... it would be cool to see BOTH effects flying out there. I think Morrowind sort of did this (don't recall precisely)

D) Have different colors? Just for variety...? Maybe a silder bar to control RGB when you make a spell or enchant an item. Plus--default Skyrim enchanted items could have varying colors... blue fire... "warm" looking ice... purple lightning, red lighting... and of course a mixture of those within the same spell.

E) Have more effects, period. Suddenly, I'm reminded of even of Dark Messiah of Might & Magic... which was actually pretty darn fun!


33. -Set traps + lure enemies into them? - ... Speaking of Dark Messiah of Might & Magic... you could often kick enemies into spiked walls, or off of cliffs... and there were other interesting things you could do as well, with some pre-set traps...


Why not allow the player to set/build certain traps of their own? Or at least... be able to more easily reset the traps in the dungeons? IDK... might be neat to set some fun traps:


A) Net trap -- throw the net line over a nearby tree (have to have an object above you to do it??)... set the trigger point, and when someone walks over the center--caught in a net?

B) Bear traps -- they already have these. Why can you not PICK THEM UP... and SET THEM DOWN?!?!? Why not?

C) Magic traps -- ok, runes. But how about some kind of "magic tripwires"? Like a line of light which ignites into flames or... causes an explosion... or even freezes/paralyzes...

D) Boulder traps


You get the idea.


34. -Better equipping? Drag & drop? - ... I could be wrong, but I miss the efficiency and ease of Morrowind when you had a visual on your character during inventory, and could drag & drop items onto your "body areas" appropriately to equip them. In fact... it shouldn't even be necessary for you to drag it to the "appropriate" body part... if you drag it over your dude/dudette... it equips. Pull it off? Back into inventory it goes.


Is it me, or... isn't this a better, more interesting/interactive way to utilize equipping things? I mean, I often forget what amulets and things I have equipped... so instead of scrolling through an endless list... why not just visually show it on an "inventory body of the player".


35. -Dual Blocking?? - ... Yes, I see what they're trying to do--punish you for dual wielding where you can't block. Fine, lower the blocking %... but why NOT have the ability to block with two weapons? Sure, it might require a new keypress, and maybe that's why it wasn't included?


36. -Day of Sorcery / Day of Protection - idea stolen from old Might & Magic series... cast multiple spells all at once! - ... I can't believe I forgot about this idea until this far down the list. WHY in the mother of God can't you find spells books (or custom build spells) that allow you to (for example) cast:


* Steelskin (Dragon, Ebony, whatever)

* Candlelight -- oh and btw, I wish that ball of light would go HIGHER UP ABOVE THE PLAYER... just a little, lol

* Frost Aura or other ones like it

* Muffle

* Detect Life, etc.


...ALL TOGETHER!?!? Pardon me, but... after you become a stronger, more leveled up spellcaster... it gets a little ridiculous casting these individually over and over and over. It's just tedious and... the only way around it is to lengthen those spell length times (which I've used mods for)... but Candlelight and the frost/flame/shock protection rings/auras get annoying if you complete a dungeon and they're still running...


37. -UNCAST persistent spells?? (Negate Magic / Dispel) - ... some spells--such as Candlelight... can become annoying. It might be nice to be able to cast NEGATE MAGIC or DISPEL MAGIC to "undo" enchantments that are granted by magical spell.


Additionally, a nice side-bonus of such a spell... would be that you could DISPEL an enemy's offensive spell against you--not so much a fireball (that's what the wards are for)... but if you are SLOWED / POISONED / MANA-DRAINED, etc. Why not? Should be a simple spell to stop all spell effects on the player (set timers to 0) on all spells that aren't granted by quests or items worn. The end.


38. -Spell2Weapon Channelling? - ... After adding the last few spell mods, I started thinking about the following nonsense:


* "I'm holding a sword and shield" (or even... "I'm holding a bow / 2-handed weapon")

* "This [mage / skely / bear / koopa troopa] who's throwin' in pot shots from 20 yards back is bugging me!"

* "I would like to CAST SOME PUNISHMENT HIS WAY!!"


Now here's where things go wrong... :(


* "Uh... I wants to cast 'Fireball'... but... uh-oh... I'm a moron..."

* "I will now lower my shield... *OUCH*... hey, give me a second, don't hit me while I'm fumbling around..."

* "Gotta bring up my fiery hand first."

* "Ok, I'm ready, time to shoot th..."

*SMACK* "ARRRRRRRRRrrrrgggggurgle,gurgle, [bleeds]*


Why not be able to hotkey a spell to "CHANNEL" through your weapon, shield, etc.?


In other words... if you swing your weapon--fine, you strike with it. If you bash with the shield---fine, you do so.


But if you've hotkeyed a spell, AND are holding a weapon or shield... you cast a spell channeled THROUGH that item?? Maybe?


Some thoughts on it might be:


* Channeling magic through a _______ is better than doing it through a __________ (maybe swords channel better than axes, etc.)

* Channeling magic through ANY object is USUALLY worse than casting the spell empty-handed... but certain "epic items" could be the exception to the rule of course...

* Two-handed weapon channeling is akin to dual-wielding a spell, although still not AS powerful as having empty hands to cast

* While we're at it... perhaps an enchantment that can INCREASE CHANNELING PERCENTAGES... (and therefore, epic items could have that as well)

* While we're at it... perhaps heavy armor (especially gauntlets/gloves) that are plate/metal could possibly REDUCE channeling power?

* While we're at it... Glass armor could have a good % bonus per piece to channeling (fits in that it would be magical)

* Channeling magic through a bow could create flame, fire, ice arrows (so you don't have the illogical alternative that you have "a quiver of ice arrows")

* I don't know what to do regarding bound weapons, but... uh... I SUPPOSE bound weapons + spells should be MORE effective than channeling through mundane "steel / wood / bone / ebony" etc. weapons?? (IDK)


I have no idea how one might organize the damage bonuses and/or penalties... but I think it'd be a good way to solve the issues of not being able to cast offensive destruction magic at people quickly enough... and also solve the issue of having to lower / unequip item A or B from left/right hand (or both) prior to casting.


It also would require some new animations (probably). Well... maybe not SO much for the shield... but definitely a tweak to the anims of weapons... which might have to "stop" halfway through, as if you are swinging the weapon out to POINT it at the enemy, and... zzzziiipp---*blam*... spell executed.


Hmm though--sounds VERY complicated possibly. Maybe a definite requirement of the CK... :/


39. -Random, customized, "special" enchantments on basic gear - ... Much like in Diablo or even the "Terraria" style games, it'd be nice to see some gear that is left by random enemies that has actual USE to you--other than selling it off, early in the game...


I think something like 1-5 possible "random enchantments" or random perks to an item might be nice. Examples:


* 10% to 25% more damage/defense

* 10% to 25% faster attack

* 10% to 25% less weight

* 10% to 25% "glow" effect (increases light radius)

* 10% to 25% chance to stun

* 10% to 25% chance to paralyze


...much like the Robes in the game having both increases to mana regen AND increases to destruction/restoration/alteration etc. etc.


Any given standard item worn or wielded by an enemy could have a chance to have 1 to 5 of these enchantments being applied to a piece of their gear. Might make it more interesting when you're first starting out, and (essentially)... every bow is NOT "the same", every axe is NOT "the same"...



40. -Better Spell Charging--fire a spell at any time during "chargeup" - ... Why not allow the casting of spells at any moment during a charge... and simply enough--if you charge to 100%... you do the best damage... and if not... the damage is scaled directly to how long you charge. Sort of like the bow--how long you wait to draw the bow/arrow affects range, damage, etc.


It could even be a slightly "non-linear" scale, where... the closer you get to "full charge"--the damage has some large benefits... so, the difference from charging up to 35% (instead of 45%)... and charging up to 88% (instead of 98%)--is significant.


41. -Mark Books as 'read' if you already read them - ... This is pretty obvious and self-explanatory. I can't BELIEVE I didn't mention THIS one before...


42. -Please fix shadow mapping... - ... Ok, I probably should have this at the top of my list here, but... IDK... it seems as if it can't be fixed without the CK anyhow... and maybe it's just poorly "hard-wired" into the coding that makes it so horrible... :( Either way... it's a pretty big deal, since... without doing all the "4096 x 4096" tweaks and--you know--the whole shadowblur=xxx thing or whatever... shadows in Skyrim are CLEARLY a complete and utter disaster. They are probably the worse thing in the game which haven't been fixed (next to some of the default textures, which are already fixed by great mods like "Skyrim HD" and "Serious retexture")...


So... yeah. Skyrim shadows look like they're from games in 2001. This is (I'm sorry)... VERY SAD and pathetic...


43. -Companions can ride other owned horses - ... Let's be honest... it's pretty ridiculous to be riding a horse... while Lydia is running after you like a complete loser / idiot. lol Besides, if you actually own >1 horses... why not have them act usefully?


44. -More transportation variance (although it's been covered by a modder a bit) - ... Personally... I'm thinking something awesome like a "magic carpet", which I have some quite fond memories of from Ultima V. :) It might even be a great excuse for there "not" to be a "flight" spell by any default means if that ends up breaking quests and so forth.






Well... I think that's a pretty good list of things for now. I'm sure I have many more, but most of them are what the modding community has basically already done.


Hope you guys like it... feel free to discuss, have fun, make a mod... flame me, or agree with me!

Edited by Greytale
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I strongly agree with essentially everything you suggested, except for hunger/ sleep. (I'm too lazy to want to deal with stuff like that.)


I also really enjoyed reading your post, it had me in stitches. =D

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I'm totaly agree with everything you've mentioned and i would love to see those happen in the game. Especially spell combos like dragon age origins had. (cast an aoe grass spell to make your enemies slip and fall down then cast a fire based spell to set thge grass on fire and have a darkspawn barbecue with your friends.) Also a better craft system with more realistic armors and weapons (Even iron daggers seems more deadlier than a daedric dagger in my eye. They have no sharps sides anyway).
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Agreed, and you can use the creation engine with the creation kit instead of using SKSE, when it releases though. Edited by rxmonste
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I think the combo system might be too much, but I agree with the others, even if I wouldn't use some of them.


Additionally: Climb - let us climb those mountains damnit. You can already glitch jump to the top of almost all peaks and if you're riding a horse you can do it with ease. Put in a vertical crawl animation and let us scale those peaks without breaking immersion with glitch jumps.

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I strongly agree with essentially everything you suggested, except for hunger/ sleep. (I'm too lazy to want to deal with stuff like that.)


I also really enjoyed reading your post, it had me in stitches. =D


It will be easy to arange that you can just click "Hunger/sleep" as an option Enable/disable if you dont want realistic mod. Realistic mod however, can be expand to "freezing to death, no fast traveling, cooking better meals, wearing cloth"....

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- Arrow deflection - ... You know... there's no reason why a 100 skilled Archer or a high-level Mage with those "Wards" cast... can't REFLECT ARROWS (or spells!) right back at people firing at you. :) After all... you're Dovakiin, right? :) Sure, sure... a little like a Jedi, but so what. Should it occur 100% of the time? Probably not. Sometimes, reflections go astray... other times--reversal of fortune on the enemy. Fun stuff. "Realistic"? Of course not. But what game is. How is carrying 4 magic axes, 3 sets of armor, 2 flaming swords... and a partridge and a pear tree LOGICAL?!?!


And that's just your weaponry/armor. What about people lugging around 20+ books? hehehe ;)


Not to take away from things. However rule of thumb for designing these things to be immersive is.. keep the things you can see realistic and to hell with the things you can't. Of course the things in a menu are falling under the things you can't see.


I would like backpacks myself, even if they are bags of holding. I'd rather have a bag access hammer space (ie be bigger on the inside) than my pocket.

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