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Puny processor


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Your 750ti is WAY too powerful to be paired with that CPU. Expect bottle-necking issues aplenty. And by that I mean stutter, low framerates, texture issues, loading issues, etc.


A 750ti is still a decent GPU (though a bit under powered compared to current gen cards) and would pair well with some current "budget" mobo/CPU combos.


Hmmm. How about this?

CPU: Intel Pentium G4400 Skylake Dual-Core 3.3 GHz LGA 1151 $63.

Mobo: GIGABYTE GA-H110M-S2H (rev. 1.0) LGA 1151 Intel H110 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 Micro ATX $60.


The CPU is locked, but 3.3 GHz is plenty for Oldrim and okay for SE.

The mobo would require DDR4 memory. I don't know if that's what you already have.

A 600watt PSU would give you plenty of headroom to power this.


This would actually put the bottle-neck on the GPU, but only by a little. You wouldn't have the issues above, except that your framerate might suffer if you load in heavy texture mods.

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Thanks for the options but i already am in the process of building up the predessor. Asus z170 deluxe with the skylake and most likely a 1080STRIX but for now this will hold me over. On ultra settings with decent amounts of mods it did better than i thought. i ported over my pervy play through files (dont judge) and she did surprising well. I shall dub this temp PC "Ulga". She aint pretty but she gets the job done

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Yeah, that looks good. (and the graphics aren't bad either, LOL!)


Yeah, Oldrim is pretty forgiving. Apparently "Ulga's" CPU isn't choking on the load. I'll admit I'm surprised.


Hey! That's the "Riverside Lodge" you're in! Good house mod!


EDIT: I just noticed the issue you had with Sofia blocking the doorway. If you aren't already aware of it, I'd like to suggest "Move it Dammit for NPC Companions and Followers". It makes your followers take a step backwards immediately when you bump into them. Much better than having to use Unrelenting Force as a last resort. (Though admittedly, not nearly as fun.) Also, this video for the mod is hilarious.

Edited by LeddBate
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