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By Azura, by Azura, by Azura ! Where are all the beehives???


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There is one hive on a tree northeast of Kynesgrove. I also found several through the woods around Falkreath. I've found more, just can't remember where at the moment.


Those things that hang around trees? There are many in "warm" areas (so not around dawnstar :P).

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I do keep stumbling upon them here and there. Just listen for bees.


But be careful. Make sure what you hear are bees, and not a Spriggan about to pwn you from behind. :ohdear:


Speaking from experience? I'll remember that one because I didn't think of it and could totally see myself keep my guard down after thinking it's just bees...


But back to the original poster, so far I haven't come across any bee in Skyrim that was lost and far from home. One means others are close by, and you can use their sounds to center in on the hive. Also, I usually hear one before seeing it. So sound quality of your gaming is important.

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I have found several in the wooded areas SW of Riverwood. Only one or two at ground level though. Some are high up in the trees and you have to shoot them down with arrows or spells -then chase them as they hit the ground and roll down the hill. :-P
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Yeah, they're kind of dotted around here and there, in the woodsy areas. They're easy to overlook, I've noticed. I swear when the CK comes out and I start making houses, some of them are going to have a few beehives, like the ones they have at Goldenglow Estate.
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