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CHSBHC Body, Breast and Butt Physics Mod


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I had some problems but I tried installing CBBE original which made it work. Thanks a lot for making this mod, works like a charm now.


King Regards


Just read your post and if you want CBBE to work with CHSBHC just be sure to install CHSBHC .....BEFORE installing CBBE then answer yes to all overwrites when installing CBBE. I also use "All-in-one Face Mod " and "Apachii Hair" which gives me some very smooth looking "bouncy" babes!!! :biggrin: I installed in this order and they worked flawlessly: 1. Apachii Hair

2. All-in-one Face v4 for CBBE body

3. CHSBHC body Physics mod v-2-4-1

4. Caliente female body mod BBE v3-1 choose YES to all for overwrites and presto nice clean jiggly big juggies!

It helps to know how to use calientes slider.exe also :thumbsup:

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Hey Cherry, cool mod, thanks. Just did a new install and hooked up a few armor/clothes mods with CBBEv3 body. I installed your mod first, as directed, then Caliente's CBBEv3 body mod. I noticed that when I went to change gear the female npc had a smaller chest when I grabbed her gear.her chest size immediately shrunk. I tested out my character to see if the same happened. Yep. I don't know if I missed something, but I'd love to have the proportions the same in and out of my gear. Can anyone help me out here?
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Cherry - I'm wondering if there's an incompatibility between this mod and the BodySlider feature of CBBE? Whenever I install CBBE, then this mod, it works fine - your body stomps the CBBE one. But then I try to make a custom body with BodySlider and then click Create Bodies and I get my new body shape in the game with your physics... with one problem: all the women's hips have some texture error on them (attached a picture), and their feet are mistextured. Is this a known issue? Is it just impossible to use custom body shapes from the CBBE BodySlider with your physics mod?




Edited by scatwoman
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Just in case anyone else has had or seen this same problem...I was CTD'ing for a few days and finally kinda pinned it down. At least about as much as I can. Some combo of CBBE 3.1 and one of the optional clothing sets here (from the optional files set) appears to be leading to CTDs. I can install CBBE 3.1 and CHSBHC 2.4.1 without the optional clothing sets installed and keep from CTDing just like everyone else, but once I install the optional sets (the barkeeper set appears to be okay, the problems start when I install the chef set) I start getting CTDs until I completely remove those sets in NMM (just deactivating doesn't seem to fix it).


After testing just the core CBBE/CHSBHC mods in isolation, I removed CBBE. For some reason, when I follow Caliente's directions for using both mods (installing CHSBHC first, then CBBE base set, then building new meshes with BodySlide) I somehow stomp on the ability of the bones in CHSBHC to animate breast/butt, regardless of whether the optional clothing sets Cherry made were installed beforehand along with the core mod or not. Maybe it's the latest version of CBBE that's the issue, maybe it's some latent file that wasn't cleaned out and I missed, not sure. I thought NMM's warnings for the optional clothing sets might have been the problem (they make NMM believe v1.0 of the main physics mod is newer than the currently installed 2.4.1) but testing showed they're fine as long as CBBE isn't present. By itself, CHSBHC works great with or without the optional clothing sets. I cleaned everything out, reinstalled those, and they're all working fine now. Since Cherry's mesh picks matched my favs I'm just going to keep it and not mess with other mesh mods.

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I'm fan of CHSBHC body.

I found animation bug in CHSBHC body Mod.


The right forearm crash in walk-right(male) and run-right(male).

And, idle motion is little strange, espacially breast and torso movemnent.


I want to fix these motion.


The 3dsmax animation process almost finished.

So, I tried to export animation. But I failed.

(I read chsbhc animation tutorial in nexus site carefully.)

The player character stay T-pose in game, nothing movement.


Maybe,there is something wrong with my havok content tool setting.

But, I can't find any mistakes in havok setting.

Please advise me.

Edited by 2sc1815doom
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to cherry for this nice mod.


I also do not really like this overanimated idle mode.


I simply deleted that mt_idle.hkx.


Would be awesome, if someone succeeds in reworking that file for a more natural behaviour 8)


@scatwoman: Did you try to install another texture?,


€dit: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2666/?tab=3&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fuser%3D0%26id%3D2666 did perfectly here me using CBBE/Body Sliders



Edited by Lord of the Strings
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