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replace or remove guard dialog we all know to well...


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Could someone please remove or replace the " arrow to the knee dialog " in a mod i have looked around but have found nothing i would assume this would have been done along time ago.... sorry if this is topic is in the wrong forum forgive me i had a late night. Edited by ciner13
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Are you trying to undermine the holds guard?


Being shoot in the knee is a sine quae non requisite to be accepted as a guard (due to previous experience with guards fleeing the post at first dragon sight)...


Just joking, of course, that and many other lines definitely need to be toned down :)

Edited by nosisab
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I was going to respond to this earlier, but I took and arrow to the knee!



Ok, being serious now.. the further you get into the game, the less you hear the same one liners from the guards. They have a pool of comments that is pretty large and as you complete quests, gather stuff, kill certain NPCs, visit locations, etc. The selection they randomly choose from gets larger and larger as you progress through the various quest lines and factions.

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