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Weird Problem that I've had before


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I left an auto click macro on, I came back, and it was still clicking Ok, 583 times to be exact, as it can be seen on the picture.


It happens when I load in. Does anyone know what this is and if so how can I stop it?.


It's basically a box that says "Ok" at the bottom of it which you can click on, and it starts at 1, then you click "Ok" again and it closed, and opens up a new one instantly that says "2". And in this picture I made it go all the way up to 583 with an auto click macro. This happens as soon as I load.

Edited by TheFappingHero
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The macro is not the cause tho.. I just used the macro to autoclick it. I wanted to know if maybe it was loading all the mods and counting them. Although I knew it wasn't gonna be that..


But if you wanna know, I just used Razer Synapse. Program that comes with my Razer keyboards, headphones and mouse.

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The macro is not the cause tho.. I just used the macro to autoclick it. I wanted to know if maybe it was loading all the mods and counting them. Although I knew it wasn't gonna be that..


But if you wanna know, I just used Razer Synapse. Program that comes with my Razer keyboards, headphones and mouse.

okay so what is the macro for?

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