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What to do in Skyrim?


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well when i get bored, i go around stealing and murdering people and ended up getting 3 hired thugs/1 DB assassin on my back. Just becareful not to kill some quest givers
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Quests are the center of the Elder Scrolls series. You can just wander aimlessly and see if you find anything interesting.



If you are a low level and playing on a difficulty of Adept or above, going around killing and stealing will get you a lot of thugs and assassins trying to kill you, who will likely be good at doing it.

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This is my first Elder Scrolls game. And all I'm doing right now are quests and stuff. Idk what else to do?


What are some fun things to do?

I don't know if you already do but you could try roleplaying your character, it tends to make things last a lot longer, makes quests more interesting and is very fun! :)

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The most fun thing you can do is Role play.




In my game, Olaf has been doing things, bad things that he normally wouldn't do, as it seem wearing his Daedric armor is poisoning his mind and slowly he fades into the darkness. :devil:

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My Khajiit forest ranger loves nothing more then wandering the plains hunting game, mining ore, killing bandits, mugging couriers, and shooting adventurers in the knee.


Tis the simple life for this one. :thumbsup:

Edited by SaintAnon
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RP or complete your Achievements that`s what i`m doing :D Haven't tried role playing as a priest yet, may be i`ll do that after my Necromancer play through.
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You can never go wrong with dungeon clearing. Makes you money, trains your combat skills, helps you develop a combat style (especially if you're new to the series). Don't rush with the big quests, take your time to explore the world ( you never know what you'll find in a cave or on top of some mountain).
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Roleplay a priest of Talos. Stand in the town center all day and make speeches out loud to your monitor about Talos, the Thalmor and the Empire. It's even better if you play on your laptop at the public library, then you have a live audience. It really helps with the feeling of immersion. :teehee: Edited by FordPerfect
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