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What Animations are you using in SE?


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I forgot how truly awful the vanilla animations were, having played a heavily modded Oldrim for so long. I've got a couple replacers already, pretty combat animations, less muscular walk. Still these are stop gaps at best, even with LMW my female character still lumbers around and the magic combat stance looks like it's giving my character a hunchback. So what are you all using? Are there any options not yet on the SE nexus that work well?

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Just download the creation kit of skyrim SE and download the animations converters to convert the old animations into a new format that works with skyrim SE.

This way you can download the old animations and convert em so they can be used in the /animation folder.


http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2970/? <=== This is a excellent guide that can teach you how to get all the old animations you enjoyed using to work again.

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Short note on FNIS 7 for SE.


It Fully Functional.


Including Alternate Animation.


You just have to code it not using SKSE.


I have my own Personal Computer Exclusive Alternate Animation up & running with skeletons for weapon placement old school style. Yes including combat too


My Follower has a PCEAA too with skeletons up & running too. Weapon placement & combat included.


Vanilla & Downloaded NPCs use Vanilla cause they are not Special & don't need to be unique, or need to use unnecessary PC resources.


Some weapons Example: Katana's have appropriate AA Animation Attached on Equip(if equipped by player) & return to Stock or AA on unequip.


You can follow that above guide, it ok, for Converting but that it.


So the question really is not what I am using, but how good are you?


To Do the Above there are Guides on FNIS mod Page. So no need for me to write one.


Start small with Fnis Spell / Rings type mod... I did. Don't shoot for stars, it long way to fall.


For Animations just search by category, in both Skyrim Nexuses. Since my Follower walk hasn't been ported, the author retired, & most likely will never be ported.


Ok it wasn't so super short, but you get gist right?

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