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Archers and Skyrim and Mods about Archers


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It would seem Skyrim has to no archers in vanilla except one possibly and very few follower mods who are archers. Perhaps I just have not found one yet as that is of course possible. I believe a archer should stay back and evade an attacker as they send a volley of arrows at the enemy. What an archer does not do... when an enemy is spotted they go all magical and start using destruction spells or go in full tank mode and rush in to attack the enemy with a sword, dagger or even fists. An archer would be a master at sneak as cover would be their best friend and only would choose a edged weapon if a sneak attack was possible.

Perhaps I am dreaming or perhaps it is not possible would like your thoughts and or suggestions it maybe with help I could find what I have missed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is kinda interesting to me as I play my toon Melissa as an archer. I agree that followers are somewhat of a problem. The big bug with some of 'em is that if they run out of arrows, they pick up the crappiest weapon off a body and go into melee mode. And of course if you are trying to shoot arrows, they generally get in the line of fire.


What I found was that you needed to get a decent bow ASAP, and you need to spend perk points on stuff that will boost stuff in multiple categories. I used Grace Darklings Weaponry Packs for my bow & arrow setups. The arrows do 26 damage, but are insanely expensive untill you buff up your haggling skills. The bows do some serious damage too, but you can buff that up a lot using enchanted gear and enchanting the bow itself. The bows & arrows are craftable, just not till you get the smithing ability. I've found that the arrows are tougher than the bows to make, simply because some of the components are relatively scarce.



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It would seem Skyrim has to no archers in vanilla except one possibly and very few follower mods who are archers. Perhaps I just have not found one yet as that is of course possible. I believe a archer should stay back and evade an attacker as they send a volley of arrows at the enemy. What an archer does not do... when an enemy is spotted they go all magical and start using destruction spells or go in full tank mode and rush in to attack the enemy with a sword, dagger or even fists. An archer would be a master at sneak as cover would be their best friend and only would choose a edged weapon if a sneak attack was possible.

Perhaps I am dreaming or perhaps it is not possible would like your thoughts and or suggestions it maybe with help I could find what I have missed.


If you use AFT, you can set a follower to be a ranged attacker only. I actually had one that could( and always did) make themselves invisible.

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Yes AFT is a must on any play through however it does not over write a followers base stats it does but it does not. Skyrim and the whole bow thing I have seen followers give up a more powerful bow I provided and pick up a hunting bow and us it in it's stead. The only real archer is Angi from Angi's camp and unless you make her a follower via AFT she is not a follower but she has over 90 for marksman that is the most in vanilla skyrim. Since this post a new mod was published http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81653/? After some playtime this follower is a real archer the mod author mfeile1974 has done a great job and a much needed void was filled.

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Yes AFT is a must on any play through however it does not over write a followers base stats it does but it does not. Skyrim and the whole bow thing I have seen followers give up a more powerful bow I provided and pick up a hunting bow and us it in it's stead. The only real archer is Angi from Angi's camp and unless you make her a follower via AFT she is not a follower but she has over 90 for marksman that is the most in vanilla skyrim. Since this post a new mod was published http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81653/? After some playtime this follower is a real archer the mod author mfeile1974 has done a great job and a much needed void was filled.


I think I know what your talking about. Followers have a set of hidden priorities when equipping weapons and armors. Even though you might give them a weapon improved at a weapon grinder and they equip it, they will switch to their default later. I think I found a way around this by having them equip a bow with an enchantment of some kind. I don't think they will switch after that.

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