SassyMcSassafras Posted January 6, 2017 Share Posted January 6, 2017 (edited) I can't seem to take the brawl bets with any NPC that usually offers them. It's not that I can't fight, or that the fight glitches: the option just literally is not there. Ok so At first I thought it was my mods like obviously right? So I uninstalled all of them--every single one--and started a clean save in vanilla skyrim but here's the kicker: still no option to brawl with ANY npc that usually offers it. I thought maybe it was my level so I leveled up. Still nothing. Checked the integrity of the files. Still nothing. I have NO idea what to do???? All other follower dialogues appear to work but I can't do any of the brawl quests, which means I can't get any of the brawl followers without cheating :{ Is there anything you guys can think of to fix this? I tried the brawl bug patches and of course I have USLEEP (most mods these days require it) so I'm kind of at a loss. The game is updated to the most recent version ofc, and I have all DLC, including the texture DLC installed. EDIT:Okay so I ended up completely reinstalling Skyrim and reinstalling a whole different set of mods and such to see if that would fix it and now I am getting not only the brawl glitch, but side quest glitches in general AND my skyrim is now running out of memory and crashing, despite me having uninstalled like 80% of my games before reinstalling Skyrim.So for instance: I tried to talk to Ysolda, dialogue is normal but now she just cuts out instead of talking about needing a mammoth tusk. No brawls are available at all, the dialogue option also doesn't come up at all.Skyrim crashes every like 20 to 30 minutes or so especially during loading screens or when passing into a building. I've tried various online fixes and while it made it BETTER it did not make it GO AWAY.Keep in mind: This has never happened before. Even with a crap ton of mods I almost never had crashes. I have an NVidia GeForce 840M card and skyrim has always auto-detected settings to Ultra High Quality.I uh....Don't know what other stuff I would need to tell you guys? I run on windows 10 and I'm p sure my computer is like 32 bit? Or maybe it's not. I'm Not Great with computers. Here is my new Mod Load Order: 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp 6 6 hdtHighHeel.esm 7 7 Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm 8 8 RSkyrimChildren.esm 9 9 AzarHair.esm 10 a ApachiiHair.esm 11 b HighResTexturePack01.esp 12 c HighResTexturePack02.esp 13 d HighResTexturePack03.esp 14 e SimplyKnock.esp 15 f SOSRaceMenu.esp 16 10 SkyUI.esp 17 11 test01.esp 18 12 Faendal.esp 19 13 seranahair.esp 20 14 [kijikohair_malepack].esp 21 15 rrhair.esp 22 16 rrhairargonian.esp 23 17 rrhairkhajiit.esp 24 18 rrhair2.esp 25 19 rrhair3.esp 26 1a azarhair.esp 27 1b LovelyHairstylesCE.esp 28 1c high res hawk replacement - red.esp 29 1d healthyskeever.esp 30 1e deathwing inspired alduin reloaded.esp 31 1f reanimate fx.esp 32 20 tribal warpaint for females.esp 33 21 hornsareforever.esp 34 22 XPMSE.esp 35 23 kuerteeSimpleMultipleFollowers.esp 36 24 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp 37 25 HearthfireMultiKid.esp 38 26 HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp 39 27 unlimitedbookshelves.esp 40 28 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp 41 29 Palaces Castles Enhanced.esp 42 2a ELFX - Exteriors.esp 43 2b EnhancedWetnessandPuddles.esp 44 2c Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp 45 2d dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp 46 2e dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp 47 2f dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp 48 30 dD-Reduced Wound Size.esp 49 31 Footprints.esp 50 32 Unique Uniques.esp 51 33 RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Sorted.esp 52 34 Book Covers Skyrim.esp 53 35 Immersive Jewelry.esp 54 36 Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp 55 37 clothingjewelryfix.esp 56 38 Sanctuary Reborn.esp 57 39 VHTNF.esp 58 3a hjerimtnf.esp 59 3b proudspiremanortnf.esp 60 3c GamEngagementrings.esp 61 3d JaxonzRenamer.esp 62 3e RichMerchants.esp 63 3f DeadlySpellImpacts.esp 64 40 WondersofWeather.esp 65 41 WetandCold.esp 66 42 WetandCold - Ashes.esp 67 43 KS Hairdo's.esp 68 44 Brows.esp 69 45 BHWarPaints.esp 70 46 FabLookEyes.esp 71 47 chfshPlayerVoicesets.esp 72 48 imp_helm_legend.esp 73 49 HelmetToggle.esp 74 4a FNIS.esp 75 4b RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp 76 4c UnreadBooksGlow.esp 77 4d Schlongs of Skyrim.esp 78 4e SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp 79 4f RSChildren_NonPlayableOverride.esp 80 50 RSChildren - Complete.esp 81 51 Serana.esp 82 52 Morwen.esp 83 53 Bijin Wives.esp 84 54 Camilla.esp 85 55 Grelka.esp 86 56 Muiri.esp 87 57 Senna.esp 88 58 Sylgja.esp 89 59 Taarie.esp 90 5a Temba.esp 91 5b Ysolda.esp 92 5c BW Beleval.esp 93 5d Frea.esp 94 5e BW Ingjard.esp 95 5f Adelaisa.esp 96 60 Aela.esp 97 61 Annekke.esp 98 62 BW Aranea.esp 99 63 BW Brelyna.esp100 64 BW Delphine.esp101 65 BW Eola.esp102 66 BW Illia.esp103 67 BW Jenassa.esp104 68 Mjoll.esp105 69 BW Njada Stonearm.esp106 6a Rayya.esp107 6b BW Ria.esp108 6c Ugor.esp109 6d Uthgerd.esp110 6e Bijin NPCs.esp111 6f Adrianne.esp112 70 Carlotta.esp113 71 Gerdur.esp114 72 Hulda.esp115 73 Idgrod the younger.esp116 74 Ingun.esp117 75 Irileth.esp118 76 Karliah.esp119 77 Lisette.esp120 78 Maven.esp121 79 Rikke.esp122 7a Tonilia.esp123 7b Vex.esp124 7c Sapphire.esp125 7d Toccata as Elisif.esp126 7e Honeyside.esp127 7f BHTNF.esp128 80 HSTNF.esp129 81 Lake Ilinalta Shack.esp130 82 ELFX - Weathers.esp131 83 Courtyard Hjerim.esp132 84 massive2.esp133 85 PCE - ELFX PATCH.esp134 86 Holidays.esp135 87 marriagemod - alpha v3.esp136 88 BW Iona.esp137 89 Jordis.esp138 8a BW Lydia.esp139 8b DeadlyDragons.esp140 8c Persist Damn It.esp141 8d KamiTH.esp142 8e Terrace Proudspire.esp143 8f MVABasic.esp144 90 Run For Your Lives.esp145 91 SMIM-Merged-All.esp146 92 Pinegrove Lodge.esp147 93 SkyfallEstate.esp148 94 Deck Honeyside.esp149 95 Bring Out Your Dead - Legendary Edition.esp150 96 KK_Lola_companion_wolfdog.esp151 97 Thornrock.esp152 98 RabbitsOfSkyrim.esp153 99 unicorn.esp154 9a Prometheus_BeastSkeletons.esp155 9b DawnsPoshPonies.esp156 9c KrittaKitty_horses_uniqueFrost.esp157 9d convenient horses.esp158 9e The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp159 9f Stoop Vlindrel Hall.esp160 a0 The Manipulator.esp161 a1 TheRookery.esp162 a2 EmbersHD.esp163 a3 Terrace Porch.esp164 a4 sobcheat.esp165 a5 SummonDeathHound.esp166 a6 BP2RabbitFollower.esp167 a7 MaidenRaven.esp168 a8 A Felicidade.esp169 a9 My Home Is Your Home.esp170 aa IridumEyes2.0.esp171 ab FreckleMania.esp172 ac OCR-Fixes.esp173 ad Statues.esp174 ae erikmature.esp175 af BORGAKH1a.esp176 b0 [+]K's_Torvar[+].esp177 b1 [+]K's_Sven[+].esp178 b2 SacredRingofJeebus.esp179 b3 [+]K's_Marcurio[+].esp180 b4 Beards.esp181 b5 NB-Scars.esp182 b6 PCE - USLEEP Patch.esp183 b7 RaceMenu.esp184 b8 RaceMenuPlugin.esp185 b9 pick100.esp186 ba Player Size Adjuster.esp187 bb CalienteVanillaArmorTweaks.esp188 bc Nocturnal Craftable Armors.esp189 bd Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dawnguard.esp190 be KKSDGWeightSliderFix.esp191 bf Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dragonborn.esp192 c0 KKSDrBWeightFix.esp193 c1 DHuntress.esp194 c2 KKFur.esp195 c3 FullBootForKKSA.esp196 c4 FlameAtronachArmor.esp197 c5 NS_Eilhart_Dress.esp198 c6 TERAArmors_CBBE.esp199 c7 zzArmormashups.esp200 c8 CiriOutfit.esp201 c9 Gatti5Annelotte.esp202 ca barenziahquestmarkers.esp203 cb marriagemod - hf.esp204 cc oian.esp205 cd spookyremix.esp206 ce VigilanceReborn.esp207 cf MeekoReborn.esp208 d0 SummonValeDeer.esp209 d1 SummonFo.esp210 d2 MarriagableHagraven.esp211 d3 Dwemer_Skyship_Pegasus_v1_1.esp212 d4 mmkhajiithair11.esp213 d5 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp214 d6 RealisticWaterTwo.esp215 d7 ELFXEnhancer.esp216 d8 RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp217 d9 PCE - Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul Patch.esp218 da Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp219 db Alternate Start -- New Beginnings.esp220 dc PCE - Live Another Life Patch.esp (Also if anyone could tell me if there's any super redundant mods--like mods that override each other completely and are thus pointless--could you tell me? I wouldn't mind cutting down on some stuff.) Edited January 16, 2017 by SassyMcSassafras Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
woodsman30 Posted January 6, 2017 Share Posted January 6, 2017 The brawl bug sometimes it happens other times it does not if your looking to improve the npc favor to get them as a follower there is a great tool on another site called manipulator. I discovered this mods by chance and what a gem it is you can change anybodies favor towards you... It can also give options to make anyone have follower dialog. After I found this mod I can get around most glitches in the game just google "skyrim manipulator" and you should find it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SassyMcSassafras Posted January 6, 2017 Author Share Posted January 6, 2017 The brawl bug sometimes it happens other times it does not if your looking to improve the npc favor to get them as a follower there is a great tool on another site called manipulator. I discovered this mods by chance and what a gem it is you can change anybodies favor towards you... It can also give options to make anyone have follower dialog. After I found this mod I can get around most glitches in the game just google "skyrim manipulator" and you should find it. Sounds good! There isn't a fix for it though? The bug I mean. If I have to use the mod I will but I'd like to fix it if I can. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
woodsman30 Posted January 6, 2017 Share Posted January 6, 2017 You can do a hundred play-throughs and never have an issue or you can have issues with every play-throughs. One thing I think we all learned playing Skyrim there are can be issues and no two play-throughs will be the same if issues come up just find a work around or start a new game. Not the answer you wanted but mods can help get around most issues in game play and patches do not always work most I find do not. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snelss0 Posted January 6, 2017 Share Posted January 6, 2017 Now, you say that it occurs on a new save, but does it do so on a new game? I just wanted to clarify that this is what you meant.Also, as for your load order, there may be some changes you want to make. Some apply to your problem, some don't.1. XPMSE should be just above your Alternate start mod at the very bottom of your load order. Before that should come your animations and before that your FNIS program. It should look like:FNIS[All Animations]XPMSEAlternate Start LAL2. Your Modern Brawl Bug Patch should go lower in your load order. Probably somewhere above FNIS would be fine. The mod author instructs in saying it should be near the bottom of your load order if you are having problems, which you are.3. I believe there is a USLEEP patch for RS Children if you don't have it. It is a mod by another author. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SassyMcSassafras Posted January 7, 2017 Author Share Posted January 7, 2017 (edited) You can do a hundred play-throughs and never have an issue or you can have issues with every play-throughs. One thing I think we all learned playing Skyrim there are can be issues and no two play-throughs will be the same if issues come up just find a work around or start a new game. Not the answer you wanted but mods can help get around most issues in game play and patches do not always work most I find do not.Oh okay I didn't know that Now, you say that it occurs on a new save, but does it do so on a new game? I just wanted to clarify that this is what you meant. Also, as for your load order, there may be some changes you want to make. Some apply to your problem, some don't. 1. XPMSE should be just above your Alternate start mod at the very bottom of your load order. Before that should come your animations and before that your FNIS program. It should look like:FNIS[All Animations]XPMSEAlternate Start LAL 2. Your Modern Brawl Bug Patch should go lower in your load order. Probably somewhere above FNIS would be fine. The mod author instructs in saying it should be near the bottom of your load order if you are having problems, which you are. 3. I believe there is a USLEEP patch for RS Children if you don't have it. It is a mod by another author.Yes it's a new game, I started complete from scratch with a vanilla character and everything to test it. Do I have animations?? I....Forgot I did. Also I thought you were talking about some sleeping mod lmao you were talking about the Skyrim Legendary patch. Sorry, I'm not the most solid cookie around. Thank you for the advice! I'll fix my load order. Edited January 7, 2017 by SassyMcSassafras Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SassyMcSassafras Posted January 16, 2017 Author Share Posted January 16, 2017 Ok so now I'm having even more problems;;;; What have I done I thnk I broke it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dibba666 Posted November 2, 2018 Share Posted November 2, 2018 I'm also having OP's problem. I've noticed a trend in that people tend to have Alternate Start when this happens. Maybe some kind of latent script or something?? Idk Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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