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Tutorial's fine if you know how to use them and have those MAX versions.


Some points thought

- no need to give collision shapes a material.

- if you have to move the collision shapes round, always remember to zero the pivot for all shapes, reset XForm and then collapse the XForm modifier. Better to do it before applying collisions as you don't have to do it for each object at a time, you can just convert them all to mesh/poly and it will collapse the modifier automatically.

- better to select all the collision shapes and use the Link function to tie them to your desired mesh that has a material assigned.

- you can link all bodies and assign the collision modifier, then for each of the collision shapes you can have different materials.

- when exporting select the shape with which has a material assigned (or one of the ones that do) and go to Export>Export Selected. Creates a clean mesh, similar to the beth ones instead of placing the collision inside anther NiNode.

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