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Operating System

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Ok now things get interesting because I made a serious noob mistake :wallbash:


I ended up buying Windows XP 64-bit thinking it was just as stable as Windows 7 and Vista 64-bit; unfortunately, I didn't find out the following until AFTER I bought it:


Windows XP (Pro) 64-bit is not supported by Adobe Flash player 11 (and neither is Vista),


It is unstable from what I have read and told,


There are few driver supports from various programs.



No point on dwelling on my stupidity, I learned my lesson, before I buy software, I will look into compatibility issues (I already do that for hardware).


On to the solutions as I have three that I can think of:


#1: Keep it, suffer the consequences, and hope its relatively stable as it was one of the last versions of released of XP 64-bit, but have more cash for hardware


#2: Sell it and replace it with 32-bit and still have more cash for hardware (this is probably what I am going to do)


#3: Keep it and upgrade to Windows 7 Professional 64-bit since I am eligible for Microsoft's/Retailer's deals for Students and have less cash for hardware.


The above reason specifies why I didn't want Home Premium as it is not supported by any of the discount student versions from anywhere.

In which case I could buy Home Premium Upgrade for $120 or Professional for $65 hmmmm hard call XD.


What do you think would be the best option?

Edited by ChuckFinly
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Are you sure it isn't supported? Windows xp was supposed to be supported until 2014 or something like that. I read this on the Java site so the same may apply for flash:



64-bit Windows operating systems (which may be Windows 7, Vista or XP) come with a 32-bit Internet Explorer (IE) browser as the standard (default) for viewing web pages. These operating systems also include a 64-bit Internet Explorer browser, however using it is optional and it must be explicitly selected to view web pages. Note that because some web content may not work properly in a 64-bit browser, we recommend using the default 32-bit browser and downloading 32-bit Java.


You may just have to use a 32 bit browser for the web which shouldn't make much of a difference.

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I'm sure =( Though this is supposedly a workaround for Vista


Java (link 1; link 2) is supported but Flash Player is not, which basically means that I cannot do YouTube (in something other than 240p :P ), videos, and other Flash programs at all.


I'm also told that compatibility and stability issues are horrible.


I'm mostly positive that buying this was a bad idea.

Edited by ChuckFinly
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I ran WinXP Pro x64 on my old system. Quite stable, some quirky driver support, and forget about 16bit apps. Flash works with the 32bit IE included with the OS. If you have the opportunity to upgrade to Win7 I would recommend it.
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Starter is mostly for netbooks and cheap laptops.

It only comes out with those. They're binded to OEM licences. I'm not sure how longer the Professional version is supported than the Home one, if they even do that at all. But imo, it's not worth the extra $80 if you're having your PC connected to a home network.


Windows 8 will probably be coming out at the end of the year, but really, how many people are going to get that? If the cycle remains true, Windows 8 is going to be pretty bad.

Windows 7 isn't all that bad. Windows 8 is more directed to the new tablets coming out. With a lot more processing power and storage, Windows 8 might be interesting. Who knows? xD


Like in their going adventuring and then the (in)famous arrow...


I think fonger actually meant their heads. Because that's what they're doing, killing the industry themselves.

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It only comes out with those. They're binded to OEM licences. I'm not sure how longer the Professional version is supported than the Home one, if they even do that at all. But imo, it's not worth the extra $80 if you're having your PC connected to a home network.




Pro will be supported 5 years longer then Home.


Win 7 Home OEM

Win7 Pro OEM


only a $40 difference.




the differences....for the average user, many of those differences they wont ever even notice. but for someone who likes to have some extra features, Pro is the way to go...idr what i was doing but i remember looking up how to do it and they said i needed Pro, that Home couldnt do it...something to do with Advanced User Settings or Security or something, idr.

Edited by hoofhearted4
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Thanks for all the help guys with other information.

My predicament is more like the following:


More Hardware now and less software capabilities,


Or more Software capabilities and less Hardware.


If you were forced to have the choice, which one would pick and why?


Among the choices for software are Windows XP 64-bit, Windows XP 32-bit (Both versions of XP limit DirectX to 9.0c and 32-bit limits some of the hardware), and Windows 7 64-bit.

Hardware can used but must work.



A brief question:


If a video card works fine in the BIOS without any issues, does that mean it might or will work with an operating system once the drivers are installed? Presumably, it might depending on the history of the card.

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get the software now. software wont change, and what does you can just update. hardware will change. the longer your able to wait on hardware the better off youll be because youll either be able to get the newest hardware, or older hardware cheaper. either way...
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What I wait for is the time Microsoft bring out a 'Gamers Only' version of their latest operating sytem

lets call it (say) Microsoft OS10 GAME (pro edition 2.0)


All the stuff you don't need GONE!


All the stuff we need/like THERE!


Any stuff we can turn off to improve performance a ~click of a button away...


(yeh okay... it's called an XBOX 360) but it would be nice in an OS.

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What I wait for is the time Microsoft bring out a 'Gamers Only' version of their latest operating sytem

lets call it (say) Microsoft OS10 GAME (pro edition 2.0)


All the stuff you don't need GONE!


All the stuff we need/like THERE!


Any stuff we can turn off to improve performance a ~click of a button away...


(yeh okay... it's called an XBOX 360) but it would be nice in an OS.


lol 360 is like a poor man's 8800GT gaming rig. Want gaming OS? Windows 7, i5, 8gigs+ 1333+ ddr3, 7950 ftw.

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