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The annoyingly ugly snow shader thingie?


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If I hadn't off and on been searching for this for days I wouldn't even post, for some reason it keeps popping up. I know it's used in other engines so some of you have to know what's going on with it.


Apparently it uses a nif to place a single color on top of objects? Ok, I gave up trying to retexture days ago when I realized it wasn't possible.. but I have a problem, I retextured my snow to be brighter (snow is fricken bright) and now the brightness of this snow accumulation doesn't match the rest of my textures. Does anyone know how to change simple brightness of the show shader/ snow overlay / whatever it's called?


I mean this stuff: http://static.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/images/1382-4-1322841047.jpg




edit: I found it, it's ShaderBox.nif, now I just need to find how to extract it.. bleh

Edited by ErrorS
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its just a shot to show the effect i grabbed off of a mod I use..


when snow is applied to an object like a rock, it uses some model to shade it. It ends up a flat white color.. me (and from what ive seen searching) and a few others can't figure out how to do anything with this dang snow shader. I finally found the model that was used but can't get to it, that shaderbox.nif ..


but if no one knows then no one knows? Guessing it will be workable with construction set?

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it's suppose to be in ShaderTests/ShaderBox.nif but I can't find it. For every snow layer, it's mentioned.. spent I dunno how long messing with \meshes\landscape\snowmatshader.nif but found out it's only used on some ice layers.
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every mention of it in the ESM points to a ShaderTests/ShaderBox.nif that doesn't exist, however the ESM keeps the properties of this nif inside itself.


I tried two more things, renaming snowshader which is similar and placing it in meshes/shadertests/shaderbox.nif redoing properties such as names, didn't do anything. I then made a script pointing to a different model, again, no change. I dunno what's going on, I didn't spend time modding Oblivion or Fallout so I'm sorta lost now.

There are unreadable data subsections for each object with snow in the master ESM and I'm guessing that these hold color, luminosity, etc if shaderbox.nif inside of the ESM doesn't do it itself. I might try editing properties internal to the master esm for shaderbox, though I doubt it will do anything. I just want some more fricken reflectivity off of snow layers on objects (wood, rocks, etc.. not the snow texture itself), it's pretty darn simple IN THEORY.

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