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Walter's Scrap Metal


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Its a pretty easy fix ... and you could do it in one of your other .esp's , rather than making a new one.


After loading the geck and making what ever .esp file the active one (or just load the Fo3 main file .esm making it the active one in order to make a new .esp)


Go to "Actor Data > Quest " in the object tree. And open up "FreeformMegaton" quest.


Then go to "Quest Stages" tab .


And on stages 105 - 151 , look at the last line in the "Result Script"

Looks like this ...


set FreeformMegaton.PlayerXPRewardAmount to ( FreeformMegatonSparePartsXPReward * Whatever per stage )


Change each last line on those stages to this ...


set FreeformMegaton.PlayerXPRewardAmount to 0


Click the "Compile Result" button after each stage you change. Then click OK at the bottom , and save the file.


Now that .esp should cause that quest to reward 0 XP

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Thanks Mktavish, I'll give that a whirl. Rather have the caps over exp., makes playing a scrounger style character entertaining.


Awesome ... always good to have a new modder.


But don't hesitate to come back with questions if you get stuck.

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