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Adverts poison script while viewing Skyrim Nexus?


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I just browsed Skyrim nexus this morning when a window popped up telling me a load of infections had been found on my computer with an accompanying dialogue box asking me to ok or cancel. My guess is that one of your adverts has a poison script in it. I've backed out of it and I'm scanning my computer but some else might not be able to.

Time about 07:25, Looking at http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5454 not repeated.

Your website has done this in the past, if I block scripts and ads I could fix it for me but your income would suffer, is there something you can do about poison scripts?


All the best

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Actually income from ads is based on clicks, not views, so your ad blockers do not make a difference.


If an ad is causing you a problem try to screen shot it and post it here. That's the only way a problem can be confirmed and fixed. Ads are localized from your ip address so anyone else visiting that link will possibly/probably not see the same ads as you do.

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I'll look in to this.


Actually income from ads is based on clicks, not views


Other way around; most ads pay per display, not per click. Google ads pays by the click, most other networks pay by view.

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I'll look in to this.


Actually income from ads is based on clicks, not views


Other way around; most ads pay per display, not per click. Google ads pays by the click, most other networks pay by view.

Alright. In that case though, wouldn't it be based on number of visitors or site views? Whether or not a user has on an ad block shouldn't be much of an issue.

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If the advert isn't loaded by the client's browser, it doesn't count as a "view".


Remember, the adverts are being generated on-the-fly based on the user's geographic location (IP address), and passed from the agency's servers, not the Nexus. They can tell if the browser isn't loading their portion of the page. They don't "dock" the Nexus, they just don't credit it either.

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odd, seems like that method would be so easy to dupe using proxie servers, not to mention blocked...

A proxy (so as to appear to be in another region) only results in seeing a different advert. And blocking simply means no revenue for the Nexus. No skin off their nose.

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I think many people forget advertising is more than just about direct sales. I don't have a child, but there's a reason why I know "Pampers" is a brand of baby nappy. It's because of advertising. So they might not be making a direct sale now, but in the future, if I do have children, I will be "brand aware" when it comes to baby nappies.


Internet advertising is the same. The adblock argument of "I don't click online ads ergo I block them because they don't make the site any money" is not only wrong, but short-sighted. Advertising is just as much about brand awareness as it is about making direct sales.

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odd, seems like that method would be so easy to dupe using proxie servers, not to mention blocked...

A proxy (so as to appear to be in another region) only results in seeing a different advert. And blocking simply means no revenue for the Nexus. No skin off their nose.

I meant more along the lines of using one to fake views for increased profit but I digress... Dark0ne makes some good points.

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