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CBBE / Body Bugs - Legs, Neck - No Sliders


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Ok, kind of a big problem here that I can't seem to fix at all.

This post was edited because I fixed all the seams and weird leg and hand separations.

I still have the second problem which really bothers me though. I have no body sliders. At all. I have tried re-installing everything that might have to do with them and I have tried removing the mods completely before reinstalling them. Nothing seems to work. Here's a list of mods I'm using that might have anything to do with the problem and a strange error I've never gotten before with Race Menu:


  • CBBE
  • XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended
  • HDT Extensions
  • HDT High Heels
  • Bodyslide and Outfit Studio
  • ECE
  • Ran's ECE Extended
  • Freckle Mania
  • No More Blocky Faces
  • RaceMenu




Edited by AtomicJukebox
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CHS is an old mod based on a very, very old version of CBBE. It had completely overwritten CBBE, which is why you were getting issues with the textures. You should not be using it at all. Remove it.

ECE and RaceMenu conflict. Get rid of ECE. It's probably what is causing the issue with RM.

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CHS is an old mod based on a very, very old version of CBBE. It had completely overwritten CBBE, which is why you were getting issues with the textures. You should not be using it at all. Remove it.

ECE and RaceMenu conflict. Get rid of ECE. It's probably what is causing the issue with RM.


Thanks for the reply. I tried getting rid of those things and everything still works like it did but I still don't have any body sliders. Tried reinstalling RM after removing ECE too but no cigar.

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If you're talking about the BodySlide sliders in RM, you need to follow the instructions on the BodySlide mod page. (Tl;dr: need the RM Morphs.esp from CBBE, and morphs-compatible bodies made with BodySlide.)

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If you're talking about the BodySlide sliders in RM, you need to follow the instructions on the BodySlide mod page. (Tl;dr: need the RM Morphs.esp from CBBE, and morphs-compatible bodies made with BodySlide.)


Yeah, I'm talking about that. Tried following instructions on there and reinstalling those mods but didn't work. I have less errors now. I seem to have the right plugins. Also made sure to check the option for morphs when installing BodySlide this time. None of the mods seem to have extra optional downloads so I went with what I could find. Below are pictures of my plugins and the current error screen.





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