shadowstorm1822 Posted January 10, 2017 Share Posted January 10, 2017 when I try and start a new game, I'm standing outside of the cart that takes you to Helgen with the stormcloaks. The horse that's supposed to be pulling the cart is unattached from the cart and is walking in place behind the front cart. you never hear Ralof's voice, but hear the horse theif's voice. I've ran both loot and tes5edit multiple times to no avail. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorKaizeld Posted January 10, 2017 Share Posted January 10, 2017 use Alternate start to skip Helgen. that part of the game has a habit of breaking when mods are used. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shadowstorm1822 Posted January 10, 2017 Author Share Posted January 10, 2017 ok, I installed alternate start, ran loot and tes5edit, but when I try and start a game it now crashes before the main menu Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kroekr Posted January 10, 2017 Share Posted January 10, 2017 What is your FPS? If over 60, then the game engine goes into freak out mode causing cart flips and other fun thing in opening sequence as well as random objects being thrown around. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shadowstorm1822 Posted January 10, 2017 Author Share Posted January 10, 2017 30 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kroekr Posted January 10, 2017 Share Posted January 10, 2017 Mod list and load order please. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shadowstorm1822 Posted January 10, 2017 Author Share Posted January 10, 2017 i have the maximum tes5edit will allow, that being 254, thus is their an easy way to post it all? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kroekr Posted January 10, 2017 Share Posted January 10, 2017 Use [soiler],[/soiler] where spoiler is soiler to make it not cover several pages of the forum. You may just be running out of VRAM with that many mods. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shadowstorm1822 Posted January 10, 2017 Author Share Posted January 10, 2017 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp 3 3 Dawnguard.esm 4 4 Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp 5 5 HearthFires.esm 6 6 Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp 7 7 Dragonborn.esm 8 8 Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp 9 9 ApachiiHair.esm 10 a AzarHair.esm 11 b hdtHighHeel.esm 12 c RaceCompatibility.esm 13 d OrientalRace.esm 14 e HighResTexturePack01.esp 15 f HighResTexturePack02.esp 16 10 HighResTexturePack03.esp 17 11 Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp 18 12 Character Creation Overhaul.esp 19 13 CCO - Diverse Races And Genders.esp 20 14 CCO - Dynamic Skill Progression.esp 21 15 CCO - Oblivion Carry Weights.esp 22 16 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp 23 17 FNIS.esp 24 18 XPMSE.esp 25 19 Sovngarde Steel Armor and Weapons.esp 26 1a Remodeled Armor - Underwear.esp 27 1b Remodeled Armor.esp 28 1c Remodeled Armor - Dawnguard.esp 29 1d Remodeled Armor - Dragonborn.esp 30 1e LeftHandRings.esp 31 1f LeftHandRings - Dawnguard.esp 32 20 Better Stealth AI for Followers.esp 33 21 Skype.esp 34 22 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp 35 23 ShowRaceMenuOptions.esp When Vampires Attack.esp 36 24 Brows.esp 37 25 Fh hairs-by zzjay.esp 38 26 CharacterMakingExtender.esp 39 27 EntireEyes.esp 40 28 EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp 41 29 Eyes of Aber.esp 42 2a KS Hairdo's.esp 43 2b LovelyHairstylesCE.esp 44 2c TrueEyes.esp 45 2d races_skulls_sp0.esp 46 2e towConversation.esp 47 2f WetandCold.esp 48 30 WetandCold - Ashes.esp 49 31 Elegant Hands Improved.esp 50 32 RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp 51 33 12FemaleBrows.esp 52 34 FreckleMania.esp 53 35 SGEyebrows.esp 54 36 BS-TheHag_Overlays.esp 55 37 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp 56 38 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dawnguard Interiors.esp 57 39 Book Covers Skyrim.esp more blades in the skyhaventemple.esp 58 3a Dragon Falls Manor.esp 59 3b display_skulls_sp0.esp 60 3c Helgen Reborn.esp 61 3d Breezehome_Fully_Upgradable.esp 62 3e Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors.esp 63 3f winterhold_improvements.esp 64 40 InvestedMagic.esp 65 41 zinvestedmagicsteam.esp 66 42 Facelight.esp 67 43 Scholar's Library - BHM - ALL DLC.esp 68 44 MultiMarriage_JAMCE.esp 69 45 Size Does Matter HF.esp 70 46 ebonvale.esp 71 47 SLO_StoneWalls.esp 72 48 Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp 73 49 Point The Way.esp 74 4a RealisticWaterTwo.esp NoWeightForBooks.esp 75 4b skill level on spellbooks.esp 76 4c TheChoiceIsYours.esp 77 4d BloodWitchArmor.esp 78 4e RevampedExteriorFog.esp 79 4f ENB Snow FX.esp 80 50 marriagemod - alpha v3.esp 81 51 RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp 82 52 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp 83 53 Nightingale Hall.esp 84 54 Fingerless Gloves.esp 85 55 Pedscampoffollowers.esp 86 56 Run For Your Lives.esp 87 57 UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp 88 58 [ voidcraft ] the armory.esp 89 59 TES V Expanded - Helgen Reborn Compatible.esp 90 5a BecomeKingofSkyrim.esp 91 5b QaxeWinterholdRebuild.esp 92 5c NoWeightsForNormalWeapons.esp 93 5d Lusty Argonian Teacher USKP.esp 94 5e Player marriage dialogue redone..esp 95 5f Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.esp 96 60 BCS - BSQBN Patch.esp 97 61 Better Skill and Quest Books Names - BS.esp 98 62 ImprovedSkillBooks.esp 99 63 BCS - ISB Patch.esp100 64 TCIY-BCS Patch.esp101 65 LunariRace.esp102 66 shoutcraft.esp103 67 Training.esp Followers_StealthKills.esp104 68 RaceMenu.esp105 69 RaceMenuPlugin.esp106 6a SkyUI.esp107 6b UnreadBooksGlow.esp108 6c RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp109 6d AncientTonguesGreatSword.esp 0K_ManActScript.esp110 6e archersarsenal.esp111 6f Blacksmith's basement - BHM - ALL DLC.esp112 70 dragonborn map markers.esp113 71 non-linear perks.esp114 72 SmithingTree.esp115 73 better blacksmithing.esp116 74 portalrooms.esp117 75 BR_HoodCirclets.esp118 76 CCO - Permanent Birthsigns.esp119 77 ElysiumEstate.esp120 78 RePerk_Archery.esp121 79 communitycollege.esp122 7a drop_skulls_sp0ckrates.esp123 7b Dragon Claw Stands.esp124 7c Blacksmith Chests.esp125 7d minemapmarkers.esp Dynamic Giant Campfires.esp126 7e DetailedMineMarkers.esp127 7f 121NewHairColor's.esp128 80 ImprovedFollowers.esp129 81 essential81follower.esp peoplearebetter.esp130 82 OrientalRace.esp moresmeltables.esp NoWeightForIngredients.esp NoWeightForOtherMiscs.esp131 83 craftingstuff.esp132 84 ingots.esp133 85 merchant.esp134 86 housemapmarkers.esp135 87 big_helmetless_perks_sp0.esp136 88 ShoutPerks.esp137 89 testacrobat.esp138 8a SneakTree.esp139 8b SpeechTree.esp140 8c D13FasterSpeechMastery.esp141 8d akaviri samurai house.esp142 8e PedsPlayerHFManakins.esp143 8f PedsPlayerManakins.esp144 90 Alexis Follower.esp145 91 TemptressVixen.esp146 92 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp147 93 AviFollower.esp148 94 housemarkerfasttravel.esp149 95 named_dragon_skulls_sp0.esp150 96 realcompanions_underforge_bmb.esp belithorfence.esp calyps-razorarmor.esp151 97 Ayanefollower.esp152 98 Hearthfire House MapMarker Alternative.esp153 99 My Home Is Your Home.esp154 9a Aela1.esp155 9b AelaStandalone.esp156 9c navetsea female face preset.esp157 9d testninja2.esp158 9e Quest Eraser.esp159 9f private_nokillblur_test.esp160 a0 sniper's crossbow.esp161 a1 HouseCarlW.esp162 a2 Emfy Cleric Robes.esp163 a3 MeekoReborn.esp164 a4 Helgen Map Marker Fix.esp165 a5 Chest of Skill Books.esp166 a6 AESSmeltingIncreasesSmithing.esp167 a7 AESTanningLevelsSmithing.esp ancienttonguessword.esp168 a8 DPP.esp169 a9 elucidator.esp170 aa enchantingsupplies.esp171 ab flawless gem crafting.esp172 ac follower trap safety.esp173 ad fort dawnguard map marker.esp174 ae FS_Skycutter.esp175 af helgenarcherchest.esp176 b0 helvealvari.esp177 b1 insanity's daedric sword.esp178 b2 Item Reforging - All-In-One 1.3.esp179 b3 lockpickpro.esp180 b4 Archery Skill Books.esp181 b5 ArgonianMaidSkillBook.esp182 b6 arrowsmith-dawnguard.esp faction crossbows.esp183 b7 Tembtra Thief Armor.esp184 b8 Merta Assassin Armor.esp185 b9 ElementalArrows.esp186 ba craft arrows.esp187 bb Winterlude's Arrowsmithing Expanded Mod.esp188 bc Winterlude's Arrowsmithing Mod.esp189 bd armored circlets.esp190 be Dallas Follower.esp191 bf Skyla Follower.esp192 c0 Vaelishna.esp193 c1 guard dialogue overhaul.esp194 c2 attkremover.esp auto unequip ammo.esp195 c3 azarhair.esp196 c4 big_armor_sneaking_sp0.esp197 c5 big_kill_moves_sp0.esp198 c6 big_earlier_decapitations_sp0.esp199 c7 big_kill_moves_chance_sp0.esp200 c8 big_soulgem_mining_sp0.esp201 c9 black mage armor.esp202 ca boltsforeveryone.esp203 cb mageperktree.esp204 cc warriorperktree.esp205 cd rogueperktree.esp206 ce bow of shadows.esp207 cf brat_3x_merchants_sp0.esp208 d0 cherrywoodenchanter-replacer.esp209 d1 LVLcap80.esp lydianewface.esp210 d2 NoWeightForIngots.esp211 d3 NoWeightForOres.esp212 d4 quickshot60.esp213 d5 realcompanions_journeymen_bmb.esp214 d6 realcompanions_shieldbrotherandsister_bmb.esp215 d7 rm_alchemylabs.esp saturationboost.esp216 d8 Skill Leveling.esp217 d9 smithing supplys.esp218 da SpellScaleSkillLvl.esp test1.esp219 db unburden.esp viciousdawnbreaker.esp220 dc ww_rich_merchants.esp221 dd xce.esp222 de NewLoadingScreens.esp223 df shao jun outfit.esp224 e0 NoWeightForDwarvenItems.esp225 e1 NoWeightForHidesAndPelts.esp226 e2 daedriccorset.esp darkseraticheavyarmor.esp227 e3 Destruction.esp228 e4 IngredientsSupplyChest.esp229 e5 greedmod.esp230 e6 Carpentry Refined 001M7.esp realistic piercing arrows.esp231 e7 smincsmith.esp232 e8 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp beaterarmor.esp233 e9 lusciousfaces.esp234 ea Convenient Horses.esp235 eb DaedricAssassinArmorLight.esp WeaponsOfTheShogunate.esp236 ec Elven Archer Armor.esp237 ed Schwertleite Set.esp238 ee witchplate.esp239 ef ConvenientCrossbows.esp LockpickTree.esp240 f0 BowOfShadows.esp241 f1 Destruction10ByCoputer.esp242 f2 UFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp243 f3 UFO - Dragonborn AddOn.esp244 f4 UFO - Heartfire AddOn.esp RGMsVanityMirror.esp arcania 1 shields and swords and perks.esp better embers.esp diamondweapons1.0.esp dragonbone weapons loot.esp245 f5 dragonboneweaponscomplete.esp dynasty armor and shield and helmet.esp FreshlyPicked.esp246 f6 goldlooturnbycptnstevez.esp247 f7 realcompanions_skyforge_bmb.esp hearthfiresupplies.esp NoWeightForScrolls.esp NoWeightForSoulGem's.esp NoWeightForTool's.esp NoWeightForUniques.esp ThadAdditionsLakeview.esp TonilliaMoreGold.esp248 f8 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kroekr Posted January 10, 2017 Share Posted January 10, 2017 Have you used Wrye Bash to make a bashed patch? Or tried a merged patch with TesVEdit? Not sure if that will help you any or not. I don't know enough to be able to evaluate your system even if you posted the specs but someone else might. You may just have too many mods. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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