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Mod orginazer causing problems


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NPC cant speek they just looking at me i disabled all the mods still the problem, then reinstalled the game, voice is back, then tried to open the game with MO with 0 modes only ENB and no voice, switched to NMM everything works perfect, the porblem is with MO, i really like the software and prefer to use it then NMM is there any fix?

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Mod Organizer works perfectly fine. Your issues stem from something you did wrong. Not from MO itself.


Make sure you launch skyrim to generate the ini files BEFORE you run MO for the first time. Install MO to the skyrim directory.


Everything should work fine.

what i need to check in ini setting? the arcive? i set it correctly

i tried to delete the ini MO files - skyrim.ini skyrimpref.ini and paste them with the skyrim working ini files, the same resolt

same problem here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4796810-no-dialog-sound-in-mod-organizer/

Edited by eli486888
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MO has a good million downloads and probably hundreds of thousands of active users........it works just fine.


The error is with you not the program. Completely delete and reinstall skyrim. Launch it from steam to generate the INI files.


Install MO.


Install SKSE


Everything should work just fine.


You right the problem was on SKSE i didnt intall that right, now everyhing work good, thanks guys.

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