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[LE] How do I change the category of a weapon?


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I think you would just change the animations for the weapon manually in the CK. Not 100% on that though, and it never hurts to get a second opinion! :laugh:

Do you know how to change the category of a weapon? Like I want m spear to be categorized as a sword instead a hammer...

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Hello 13eowulf,


If I understand you correctly, you right now your weapon is interpreted in game to be a warhammer and you want it to be recognized as a greatsword.


The reason I am clarifying this is because to my understanding you want to change from one kind of 2 hander to another kind of 2 hander. This is important to know because trying to change a 1 hander to a 2 hander or vice versa requires a few more steps to get things to work.


Assuming I'm right, then xcafe would essentially be correct. You just need to change the animations in the Creation Kit.


Here's how...


Select the Weapon You Want Changed:







Select the Art and Sound Tab:







Go to the Anim Type Drop Down Box:







Change it from TwoHandAxe to TwoHandSword







And Then Click Okay and Save Your Work:







And that should do it for what you're trying to do it for you. If not, we'll try again and get you to where you're trying to go... eventually, lol.

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