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Cliff's Edge Hotel - Disabled/hidden rubbish STILL showing up


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I had a request to restore and beautify Cliff's Edge Hotel in FH. I reconstructed some sections and then selected huge bunches of trash, dead plants etc. These were batch actioned as both hidden from map and initially disabled, put into respective layers and that, I though, was that.


Doing a basic walkthrough in FO4 though and all the trash is as if I'd never done anything! Place still looks a mess but with my restored balcony sections and windows overlapping the ruined pieces - not impressed.


With the rubbish all initially disabled, surely it shouldn't be showing up? What have I missed along the way, anyone? My next step is one of two options: just delete all the rubbish in CK from the cells or abandon the mod entirely.


Are there peculiarities with FH that are not in the main game?

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If you have deleted vanilla objects in the plugin, after every edit you have to run the plugin through FO4edit to convert the deleted objects to disabled. The reason why the objects reappear in the editor is that it reloads the objects you deleted.

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Using the savegame I presently use for testing mods, I haven't been to Far Harbor at all - so nothing will be attached to the savegame that I'm aware of. The testing mod is loaded last in order and has also been loaded as the only mod present.


The trash objects were selected en masse in any given cell, batch referenced and the Hidden from Map and Initially Disabled flags were set in that within CK. That, I thought, was sufficient to ensure they wouldn't reappear in the game.


Putting the mod through FO4Edit gave a huge amount of message errors:


Background Loader: Error: Record INFO contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord...


Don't know if this is par for the course for FH DLC or something is screwed up with my install of the game generally.


Having cleaned through FO4Edit, these lines come at the bottom:
[Removing "Identical to Master" records done] Processed Records: 2161, Removed Records: 2, Elapsed Time: 00:00
[undeleting and Disabling References done] Processed Records: 2159, Undeleted Records: 0, Elapsed Time: 00:00
If there's something else that needs doing in FO4Edit, then I have no idea what. There doesn't seem to be much in the way of a manual for the Fallout-specific version of it.
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i think you forgot to press do, i never had any problem with the batch (-)

activate render window, open batch(-) then in cell view filter lets say decal, hold ctrl click click they will be added to batch then, select hide from local hit do, select disable hit do, put them under the ground, i never saw them again, i did the hotel long time ago and i cleaned it this way no problem at all

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