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ESP Crashes on load after cleaning with FNVEdit


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This has bothered me some time, and before I'd have to revert to a backup because I could never figure it out. I had my mod updated which includes an ESM and an ESP (the esp being the update).


I followed the instructions on the FNVEdit manual thoroughly. The ESP has no errors, and no identical to master records. The ESP has the proper masters (one being FalloutNV.esm and the other being Run the Lucky 38.ESM), however it crashes before main menu. It acts as though the ESP is missing a master, yet it is not.


Any ideas? I can include the ESP if needed. This has happened to me before and I'd always have to start over. I really want to avoid doing this now but I do have a semi-recent backup.


I must be using the wrong search terms because I cannot find a thread about it


EDIT: It seems to happen any time I undelete + disable references.. any idea why? I've followed the manual closely..

Edited by PaladinRider
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