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How important is it to use a trainer at each level?


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There is so much involved in the skyrim game that there are things I'm learning as I go and I'm hoping I did not miss anything that would warrant me needing to restart my character because I really enjoy playing the 1H+Shield Nord Warrior :)


Right now I'm level 9 and that isn't high but believe me, with the amount of free time I have, it would take a while to advance another character to lvl 9.


A couple times I met with Amren the One Handed Weapon trainer in Whiterun and paid him for training, but until level 7 or 8, I didn't have quite enough gold to train for more than a couple ranks at each level.


As I understand, at each level you can get training 5 times from a trainer in a skill


My question is:


How important is it to use the trainer for your primary attack at each level?


How much do I LOSE in my 1 handed attack skill by not training at every level?


And on another note, how difficult is it to pickpocket a trainer? My pickpocket skill is piss poor because I have been a good sumeritan for most of my time in Skyrim and that's probably another mistake I made, because I'm sure that is how a lot of you were able to afford training and other stuff... I tried 3 times to pickpocket 2000 gold that my trainer earned from me and failed each time even though no guards were around and i was undetected at the time.


Skyrim Guru's where are you!! Please answer my questions. Thanks

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Well, you don't have to train at all. It doesn't give you any bonuses whatsoever, it's just that it makes the skills raise faster than if you do it yourself.


As for pickpocketing, it should be the same as any other NPC, that means higher value, higher risk. 2k gold can be a bit hard.

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You can gain higher skills by actually using those skills. No need to pay for a trainer. It just makes it faster.


Also, if you refuse to level up and simply continue increasing skills, you might find yourself going through a bunch of levels when you do finally perform the level up.


I typically used trainers to up my skills in areas I don't normally use but could stand to improve them. A good example of this was the pick pocket skill. I never stole from anyone and was around level 20 or so when I started the Thieves Guild quests and found myself at a disadvantage...cause I stunk at lifting things. I used a trainer for increase this skill since it was required but I was not really interested in "becoming" a good thief.

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I just started my 3rd "do over". My first attempt was on XBOX 360 and took me 6 weeks to reach level 60. My 2nd attempt was on the PC, and only took me a week (still learning all the mods). I ended up "breaking" too many quests, so now I just started my 3rd attempt yesterday. I reached level 20 in 2 hrs, only because I used the console command to give myself gold and took advantage of training each level. I'm an archery, stealth player, so I immediately used Farandal (whatever his name is)...the archery trainer, in Riverwood, as a follower. I very quickly "maxed" out his training and made my way to Whiterun. I immediately joined the Companions and used Alea to pick up my training where he left off. There's guy in Whiterun that can train "one-handed", so I took advantage of his training in the interim. Again, the only way I could accomplish this, was to give myself gold, but seeing how this is my 3rd "do over" I wanted to skip all the nonsense and level up quickly. Long story short, in 4 hours I reached level 100 in smithing, 80 in archery, 40 something in one-handed, 40 something in alchemy and some others that I don't care about. My character is now at level 30, Thane of Whiterun, a Companion, and bought Breezehome, I'm wearing a full set of Ebony enchanted armor (my favorite besides Nightingale) shooting an enchanted Daedric bow (with over 200 damage...not bad for this early in the game), and has Lydia and Uthgerd as half naked female followers (which look awesome with the nude "jiggly boobs" mods).


If you want to level up fast...use the training. If you don't...don't.


Just FYI

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Ewww. Uthgerd? I always sacrifice her to Boethia in every game...EEEEWWW.


Honestly do NOT train primary skills at the trainer, it's the WORST thing you can do. Sure, it might be tougher in the beginning but it WILL make the game more enjoyable. At the same time, I fully encourage you to use the trainer as often as you can for skills you're NEVER going to use.


For example, I decided I was never going to use or train alchemy because in my first run I overpowered my character too much so I simply trained alchemy at the trainer just for the levels. Don't worry about the money, after lvl 30ish and some quests there is no way you won't become rich.


Plus everytime you're out of money just go and kill some things:).


If you train skills you're likely to never train/use at the trainer then you'll gain levels faster in the long run, as you'll be advancing the lame skills while you're training combat skills in dungeons. This means more perks in the long run and THAT, way more than levels, is what you want:)

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You never really need to pay any trainers and get any training. It is just a convenience, most useful for skills you seldom practice. In Morrowind, it was quite essential to train, because often your play style did not perfectly match the play style of the faction you were in, and you could not advance very high in the faction unless you met skill requirements exactly matching the philosophy and style of the faction. (It is rather sad that this was lost, and Oblivion and Skyrim don't have it. It added another whole layer of difficulty and strategy to your role-playing.)


You pickpocket your beloved trainer? I bet he doesn't like that. I bet you have to reload your games sometimes when you fail. But on the other hand, his AI is probably lame, and after the guards come and arrest you, he will still be happy to train you some more, even though he knows you are a thief and are likely to pickpocket him again.

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How important it is to use?


I decided not to use it at all. Too exploitative. I leveled beyond level 20 just by "buying" archery from Faendal > pickpocketing the money back > buying > pickpocketing etc etc etc. until I reached Faendal's skill cap at 50 and without even leaving his house. Didn't even need a decent pickpocketing skill (it was below 20) or money (around 500) for that. Then I bashed my head on the wall and trowed up for ruining my game with this lame exploit and started over.


And I can't just buy the training and not pickpocket the money back. I just can't leave that kind of money behind with good self consciousness, knowing I could get it back! I don't understand why Bethesda left such an obvious exploit (that I could smell miles away when I just started the game back in November, before confirmed it for myself) and at the same time made such inconsistency in that regard. Why are you able to get it back? You can't get the money from vendors now, do you? Nor their merchandise... So why, oh why am I able to get trainer's money back?


I hate leveling and money exploits, they ruin my RPG experience and make me cry! :wallbash: I'm just not strong enough to ignore them! I was furious back in DA:O, when I found out I could get to max level by buying the cheapest ingredient possible from elves in unlimited number and then give it to the same damn elves, getting XP for it.

Edited by SickFak
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