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Please suggest some perk mods.


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I've been using either vanilla perks or SPERG forever, and I think it's time to find something else for a little refreshment. The problem for me is that I don't actually like what many perk mods offer. Perk mods like Perkus Maximus and Ordinator, in my opinion, are overreaching and superfluous by changing or adding gameplay mechanics and designing their perks around those new mechanics. I'm one of those "minimalist" players (I only use Action Combat to address the game's combat system; I know, f***in' gasp), so I'd like my perks to enhance the features that are already there, not act as "on switches" for new features. I mean, adding new features is okay (technically, vanilla decapitation perks are on switches for that feature) as long the mod doesn't go overboard with it. As a baseline, I like kryptopyr's approach to perks (the author of Complete Alchemy and Crafting Overhaul, Stealth Skills Rebalanced, and Smithing Perks Overhaul). I've been eyeing Path of Sorcery to address the magic perks (and even this one pushes the envelope for me with features like its skeleton crafting; I think something like that is more appropriate as a general gameplay mod independent of perks), but that leaves weapon perks, armor perks, speech, and block untouched.

Edited by DynasuarezWrecks
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I am with you in somewhat on perkus and ordinator. For me they just add waaaay too many perks. I prefer sticking close to the vanilla scheme but with tasteful improvements.


Requiem alters the vanilla perks but doesnt completely overhaul the tree or add hundreds more perks. It has a simplistic approach. But its FAAAAR more than a perk overhaul and does FAAR more than perkus and ordinator do.


Outside of that i think your options are kinda limited.

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I feel the same way regarding the perks and also only use SPERG or vanilla. If going vanilla I sometimes add in Stealth Skills Rebalanced as you mentioned, Better Magic if I'm using magic at all, and Helmless Warrior so I can get the custom fit perks without wearing a helmet. I haven't found any other more simple alternatives either.

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