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Let's Reminisce...1 Year Ago...


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So. Let's be honest with ourselves. When i first watched that, I was sitting there on the edge of my seat, fingers crossed "Elder Scrolls 5...Elder Scrolls 5..."


And when the teaser said "The elder scrolls told of their return" My brain clicked and realized that Dragons are coming back to the series. Being a huge lore buff myself, I knew exactly what that meant.


And I nearly s*** my pants


But now that the game is here, and you've played it. (Before a creation kit, though) Are you happy? Yes. I know, the bugs, and the lack of support and quality assurance from Bethesda is disapointing. But does the game itself make up for it?


Would you still buy it, given a second chance?


I know I would. Looking at the mods that people are releasing without a creation kit gives me huge hopes for the future of this game.

Edited by Stormcrown
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  On 1/11/2012 at 9:28 AM, Stormcrown said:


Would you still buy it, given a second chance?



I think only 0.000000000.1% of people would answer no to that question. Despite all the bugs and under development, Skyrim still outshines any other RPG of it's kind.


It's one of the most successful games ever created and it's only been out 2 months. That should speak for itself.

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It was evening, I was browsing youtube. Then I see it, "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Announcement Trailer". I think to myself "That's a fake", then I see the uploader, BethesdaSoftworks.

I was probably around the 20 th viewer since the video was uploaded. That teaser was so amazing, I was excited for months after it.


With that said, I would buy the Collectors Edition if I had the chance. Skyrim is amazing, and with the CK just around the corner it will keep me entertained for years.

Skyrim isn't just a game, it's a world, a world that you can modify in any way you wish. 60$ for a whole world and the ability to modify it, I would have gladly paid 150$ for that.

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I don't get excited over games on principle.


Why? Because they never rise up to what the publisher promises let alone my own expectations. I remember the initial hype because I was browsing the boards at that time and people kept going on about how a new era will start, once Skyrim is released.


Maybe it's because I work in the corporate world for the last 20 odd years, but I have a very cynical view on what the particular PR department promises. I even tried to warn people against hanging their hopes too high, but that of course was an unrewarded try, since people still tend to believe whatever information is shoved their way.


I knew fully well what to expect. An Elder Scroll game, nothing more nothing less. And as it is with Elder Scroll games I expected an open world and little in ways of NPC interaction. They only thing taking me by surprise was their stepping back from what they already had in place with Fallout 3. But I blame that on meeting the sexy release date and their mother kicking them out the door before they had a chance to fully integrate what they had in mind.

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Kinda funny, Skyrim is the only game I've bought last year (there wasn't anything else I liked on the market) and still I'd say some other game should have become GOTY... but would I buy it again? Yup!
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I agree. I would buy Skyrim, even knowing there would be problems. I started playing computer games back when dungeon walls were square. Anyone know or remember Bard's Tale. Like the man said above, once you've played these games once, that was it. You could play the game again, but there would be nothing new. We have come along way in a very short time. Now, we have wide open realistic worlds in high resolution, with more options of what may happen in any one game. Not only that, games are being made that can be modified by the user. Like I've said before, if Bethseda would give us a stable core world and stable tools to modify that world, we, the users, would make Skyrim come alive. I think game will last a long time. That is with almost 450 hours into the game according to Steam. (Umm, on a side note, is anyone else uncomfortable with the fact that Steam records the number of hours you play a game?)
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  On 1/11/2012 at 6:12 PM, PShepa said:

I agree. I would buy Skyrim, even knowing there would be problems. I started playing computer games back when dungeon walls were square. Anyone know or remember Bard's Tale. Like the man said above, once you've played these games once, that was it. You could play the game again, but there would be nothing new. We have come along way in a very short time. Now, we have wide open realistic worlds in high resolution, with more options of what may happen in any one game. Not only that, games are being made that can be modified by the user. Like I've said before, if Bethseda would give us a stable core world and stable tools to modify that world, we, the users, would make Skyrim come alive. I think game will last a long time. That is with almost 450 hours into the game according to Steam. (Umm, on a side note, is anyone else uncomfortable with the fact that Steam records the number of hours you play a game?)

I kind of was seeing I already had LOADS of hours into the game after a week or two, being an addict and all... but it isn't pure game time. The clock starts ticking the moment you open Skyrim to when you close it, if you alt-tab in between and don't play for a few hours, those hours still count as played.


edit: dayum, I've already got 497 hours in the game.

Edited by Moredhel
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