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Reccomended graphics mods


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I have been playing Skyrim SE for about a month now and probably like most newbies, I went into the "Oh a piece of candy" mode in the mod section. So many awesome discoveries. So my question is: what mods should I be using to enhance the world and NPC [face and body] graphics? I have a VERY Strong rig, but my game looks nothing like some of the mod screenshots I have seen.


Appreciate any assistance.

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Ok this a small list. But those are stable, won't cause much of an issue and will not cause a ctd.


SSE Texture Pack - Osmodius



Great overhaul, still a work in progress. May notice a drop in fps, so go and download the 2k version.


Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM



Must have, you cannot play modded skyrim without this. Downside is a increase in loading a game.


Skyrim Flora Overhaul SE



Good replacer for plants, has a nice grass, not a big drop in fps. Can be used and mixed with other grass mods if you just install the tree section only and mix and match.


skyBirds SSE Edition



Just watch a youtube vid of this. Words cannot express how immersive this mod can add to your game. Downside, will probably f*** up your papyrus engine so please make sure you got the papyrus log and look at log 0 if you notice the woodpecker script being a pain. But the recent patches fixed this issue hopefully.


Vivid Weathers Special Edition - a complete Weather and Visual overhaul for Skyrim SE



A weather mod, this just makes the game more immersive. Must have. Very stable but heavy rains or heavy fogs can be taxing on your rig.


Don't go overboard in installing 10-20 different mods to make the game uber pretty, the engine will melt because it won't be able to handle it. Just be sure to test every mod and check if the fps is stable and above 30 fps-60 fps so the game can be enjoyable.

Edited by pathtopower
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The Noble Skyrim 2K HD pack for SSE seems to be very good. For some unknown reason, it is being hosted on the same forum as the Classic Skyrim mod.


Make sure you use the SMIM patch if you also use SMIM. There are many graphic mods to choose from. Take a look at them under the various Nexus categories.




CBBE (body mod) will be coming out sometime this year with something way better than has been offered previously.


ELFX (lighting) is an excellent mod.

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