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Orielton Field Studies Center, in West Wales. We stayed in a massive house, which was falling apart (i vividly remember accidentally banging into the wall, and seeing a massive crack appear, and masses of plaster falling down on the inside), was pretty unclean (there were white stains on my pillow, which I'm trying not to think about, and mold on the windows), and had nothing much to do.


Anyway, 12 hour working days meant i was pretty tired, so at least i fell asleep pretty quickly... or would have done if one of the other people in my room hadn't decided to sneak alcohol in by making a jelly by mixing vodka in with the water :P


Now, biocontrol, i just realised i haven't actually welcomed you yet, so here it is: Welcome!!!! :)

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Welcome to the forums Biocontrol. If you need any help, feel free to ask and i'll do my best.

Don't mind Newt and Bob. They are relatively harmless. I however..... am also relatively harmless. Unless you insult accordions. Then, you die.


Welcome to the forums.

(whispers) Accordions suck... :P

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Orielton Field Studies Center, in West Wales. We stayed in a massive house, which was falling apart (i vividly remember accidentally banging into the wall, and seeing a massive crack appear, and masses of plaster falling down on the inside), was pretty unclean (there were white stains on my pillow, which I'm trying not to think about, and mold on the windows), and had nothing much to do.


Anyway, 12 hour working days meant i was pretty tired, so at least i fell asleep pretty quickly... or would have done if one of the other people in my room hadn't decided to sneak alcohol in by making a jelly by mixing vodka in with the water :P


Now, biocontrol, i just realised i haven't actually welcomed you yet, so here it is: Welcome!!!! :)


My Goodness, The_T...! It's lucky for you that you paid for the first class accommodations (£175). For that I presume they served the rats to you, and that you didn't have to catch your own as you would have if you'd gone economy. Glad you had fun!

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