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so who wants a slavery mod if u do talk abut it and what u want to see in if u cant wait for it reply on my mod request form and post what u want we are working on it right now mostly it consist of argoinans and khajiits with high elf slavers to avoid complications also in the comment list quest ideas and any concept ary for us to use any an all ideas anrd art will help out tormendusly

here is a link


Edited by coolmanwow
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Slavery is a delicate social issue that if mishandled can unleash the wrath of rightly outraged people. That being said I very much doubt Skyrim is the appropriate place to create said mod without a dedicated team willing to handle the subject with the appropriate attention as it demands.
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Slavery is a delicate social issue that if mishandled can unleash the wrath of rightly outraged people. That being said I very much doubt Skyrim is the appropriate place to create said mod without a dedicated team willing to handle the subject with the appropriate attention as it demands.


While I don't take issue with this per se, I think it's important to support modder creativity and artistic freedom to the fullest extent possible within the Nexus ToS, especially considering that this is a third-party site that hosts "adult-oriented" content that Steamworks will not distribute. There have been captive/slavery mods for every other Bethesda title since Morrowind, and the issue is dealt with directly in the Vanilla releases of FO3 and FONV. Some people are going to want dark content in their video games, just like some people want it in their movies and books. So long that whatever content is uploaded is clearly a work of fiction and within legal limits/the Nexus TOS, I say make it as dark or as controversial as you want.


EDIT: For the record, slavery as the OP describes it doesn't fit in with current TES lore. The Dunmer slave trade was banned by the Empire in the late third era, and Morrowind has since been invaded and overrun by the Argonians. If anyone's trading slaves these days, it's either the Thalmor or those damned baby-eating fishmen.

Edited by JanusForbeare
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Why is slavery a 'delicate issue'? There hasn't been slavery in America for 147 years. No one alive today has owned slaves. No one alive today has been a slave. People need to get over it. You would think in a game where you can mass murder people this wouldn't be such a hot button issue.
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Why is slavery a 'delicate issue'? There hasn't been slavery in America for 147 years. No one alive today has owned slaves. No one alive today has been a slave. People need to get over it. You would think in a game where you can mass murder people this wouldn't be such a hot button issue.

Slavery is still an issue across the world.

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Why is slavery a 'delicate issue'? There hasn't been slavery in America for 147 years. No one alive today has owned slaves. No one alive today has been a slave. People need to get over it. You would think in a game where you can mass murder people this wouldn't be such a hot button issue.

Slavery is still an issue across the world.

if slavery is an issue in Tamriel... it's mod time :thumbsup:

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While I don't take issue with this per se, I think it's important to support modder creativity and artistic freedom to the fullest extent possible within the Nexus ToS, especially considering that this is a third-party site that hosts "adult-oriented" content that Steamworks will not distribute.

I understand your position and I am all for artistic freedom, however I see the potential pitfalls of lazy design and uninformed choices, hence my statement.


The best way I can express it is with this video:



Edited by Darksun45230
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