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fair enough. except in this instance there is no need to actually be politicly correct as it isn't about real races, real world events, and thus no one can actually claim to be offended by the mods portrayal of their life, slavery plight or racial denomination in the game, becuase they simply do not exist and isn't about them at all. Unless anyone here is from tamriel or is a dark elf.
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Amongst bandits, i could see a 'free the slaves' dynamic, offering something more than just "kill X bandit leader".


However, functional and institutional slavery was last found in Morrowind, and it was finally outlawed just before the Oblivion Crisis. It may have resurfaced in Summerset since the Thalmor took over, as they clearly view the other races (Even other Mer) as worth little more than servants, but finding it in Skyrim would be unlikely in the extreme.


Endentured servitude, on the other hand...

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While I don't take issue with this per se, I think it's important to support modder creativity and artistic freedom to the fullest extent possible within the Nexus ToS, especially considering that this is a third-party site that hosts "adult-oriented" content that Steamworks will not distribute.

I understand your position and I am all for artistic freedom, however I see the potential pitfalls of lazy design and uninformed choices, hence my statement.


The best way I can express it is with this video:





Im sorry, but that video was amazingly good and tasteful.

If anyone makes a mod about slaves, it should be You man.

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Fallout and Fallout NV are very open about slavery right out of the box.


Poor examples IMO. While there was quite a bit in FO3 with the slaver faction, it was only really barely touched upon (by the Legion) in NV. But this has nothing to do with current TES lore, as Lachdonin pointed out it's been non existent since before the Oblivion Crisis.

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That was funny and informative. I kind of felt like I was being lectured by Stan Marsh. The narrator makes some really good points, and overall I agree with him. However, there are a couple of ways in which his example differs from the issue of slavery in TES.


1) Unlike Call of Juarez, Skyrim takes place in a fantasy setting inhabited by clearly fictional races. Unless someone were to design a slavery mod that specifically targets Redguards (which wouldn't fit in with the lore at all) I don't see this being a hot-button issue with many communities. After all, the themes of prejudice and slavery are not unique to TES, but are common themes in most works of fantasy. Read the original Conan shorts by Robert E. Howard if you really want to be shocked.


2) These are issues that have already been raised in Skyrim and other TES games. Furthermore, they are suited to the historical and geopolitical setting of the game. Tamriel in 4e 201 is going through an interbellum period, similar to the 1918-1939 period in the Western world (I specify 'Western' as many Eastern nations continued to fight over territory in the wake of the treaty of Versailles and growing Japanese military power). Such instability breeds xenophobia, prejudice, and fear, as well as creating an environment in which black market activities can thrive. It would not be at all surprising if some form of slavery and human/mer/beastman trafficking existed beneath the veil of civility the Empire continues to wear.


All that being said, Darksun makes excellent points, and my intention is not to devalue his arguments. After all, distilled down to its essence, what he is saying is that any such mod should be tastefully crafted. I think we can all agree on that.

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While I don't take issue with this per se, I think it's important to support modder creativity and artistic freedom to the fullest extent possible within the Nexus ToS, especially considering that this is a third-party site that hosts "adult-oriented" content that Steamworks will not distribute.

I understand your position and I am all for artistic freedom, however I see the potential pitfalls of lazy design and uninformed choices, hence my statement.


The best way I can express it is with this video:



i understand the consern u have i will make it my prtority to not make a sex mod but more of a quest for u to brake the chains and lead to glory with the exception of the evil side but ill still empisise its not ok. ill do my best to not make a stubid lazy game this is in tes lore of admire demion takeing the beast race from home to work on building mineing and there privet party and im not impliying a strip scean i have the up most respect but its still not some thing to just be remove and forgoten thx for the video it opend my eyes to the problem at hand

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  • 2 months later...

I for one good sir think this is an excellent idea, and one I have previously asked for.


As for the touchiness of this issue, many valid points have come up and I agree with most of them, in particular the power struggle taking place in Skyrim breeding prejudice and distrust, prime examples of this can be seen all over the Stormcloak side of the civil war.

"Skyrim is for the Nords!"

Remember your first visit to Windhelm where a group of Stormcloak supporters is berating a female dark elf over her race and apparent lack of allegiance to cause?

I for one see these as prime examples for the admission of slavery into Skyrim. The stife of war breeds mistrust of anyone even seemingly appearing to be of dissimilar interests. Look at how the Japanese immigrants during WWII were treated. Sure none were sold into slavery but was it any better being forced into an internment camp essentially being enslaved, and it wasn't even for profit merely out of fear.

Now place a very unscrupulous person into Skyrim's setting watching the war unfold, watching the racial tensions rise and DING a light goes off in his head. "I can make a profit from this." He says to himself with a devious smile.

Yes some will be averse to slavery, I see the Imperial side staunchly opposed due to the history of slavery, though some will oppose it while secretly acceptant. The Stormcloaks I see turning a blind eye to it as long as no Nords are enslaved. The Thieves guild I would see as accpetant though not condoned necissarily, hell it's profit! The Bandits, Necromancers and Assassins would be the full supporters of slavery imo, none of them particularly view others lives as valuable but merely a means to their personal wealth or intellectual wealth.

I could expand more but I think that sums up the core reasons I envision slavery returning to Skyrim.


Just my two coppers.


P.S. For those who read my wall of text, thanks for listening whether or not you agree!

Edited by Einbjorn
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