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Disable inertial mouse effect in menus


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Sorry you couldn't solve your problem. I guess that's why software developers are easy targets for blame when in reality there are as many PC configurations as there are people with computers. You can't solve everyone's problem unless everyone has the exact same hardware, software and patch-levels installed.


I hope you can find a solution, becuase I know how much it would suck having the mouse pointer lag behind where you're trying to move it.

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i having mouse lag on map menu too.... do you guys know any INI tweaks for the map so that, it would work just like a plain static image. i think the mouse lag is because the map is in full 3d, like its rendering textures of the gameworld itself, it also updates the gametime and weather. i hope it could be just like oblivion map..
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  • 1 month later...
I have the same problem as Kares. I tried everything that you have done as well and nothing seems to work. I really like the game so far but it is almost not worth playing with the pointer issue. It makes it very difficult when in Map, Inventory, Journal, and Skills. REALLY BAD in the Map. :(
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  • 11 months later...
*sigh I too, have found no solution for my menu mouse lag. Skyrim is the only game/program/thing to have mouse lag on my computer. ever. I have a Razer Mamba with the DPI set at 5600, and I've grown used to that level of sensitivity and response over several years. The menu lag is driving me insane. Everything in the game runs perfect EXCEPT the menus. How counterintuitive is that??
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I think I may have found a solution. I changed fMouseCursorSpeed under [interface] from 0.500 to 2.000. It seems to have fixed the issue. Will report back after some more testing. (this is of course after I ensure all windows mouse settings were correct as well as the Razer Mamba software. Also have all the other necessary ini tweaks done.)
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I can now confrim with certainty (as far as my platform is concerned) that the above .ini tweak has fixed my menu mouse lag. I changed the value of "fMouseCursorSpeed" to 4.000. The cursor is now fast and responsive in all menus. Hope this helps!!!
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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...
Spreading the news!

I've spent my entire weekend looking for a solution for this problem, been watching youtube vids n forums but nothing worked until some dude came up with THIS!

Unzip the rar, open "INSTALL GUIDE.txt" and follow the three simple steps.

works 100%, no delay AT ALL with the mouse in the menus (including main menu).

virus free... feel free to scan if you don't trust it.

I'm not the one who came up with this, but I only wish to tell everyone how well it works!


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