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What do you want the DLC to be about?


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How about some damn consequences? I know, such a thing should have been a part of the vanilla title... But it wasn't, so I guess we'll have to pay extra for actual story development.


Maybe things can change after I kill Ulfric or beat Alduin or become Archmage or Harbinger, instead of remaining exactly the same. No, worse; I wish things stayed the same. At least then the NPCs would still be interesting, rather than just spewing the same generic lines over and over.

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yeah continuity to the civil war storyline is really needed, the thalmor could declare war after you completed the civil war questline and you have to deal with their invasion of Skyrim, if you helped Ulfric then we should see what happens when he is crowned, etc.


Other than that i really want to visit some other daedric plane like in SI, and extra provinces are always awesome, though that would be too much work since they need to fill it with quests, locations, true scale and all.

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Rideable dragons you can make rain fire and ice down on your enemies from above while shooting arrows / magic from its back.

Marshaling an army of dragonriders, flying to Summerset and casting the Thalmor from the parapets of the crystal tower, enslaving the Altmer in the name of the Dovah and making them toil in your silver mines.

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yep the horses are admittedly most useless. they look neat but what horse attacks enemies on sight. why can`t i do anything until i am dismounted? why does my horse have lower stamina than my thief char? and is not really faster running than my khajit mage?

but for mounting dragons i`d say wait for the game dragon mounts. this wouldn`t do any good to skyrim i feel.

they should rather work on quest scripting/ npc dialogues. i got 3 quest bugs in my inventory. and all npcs keep telling me "this spell looks dangerous" all over.

i haven`t plaid oblivion. but as far as i can remember morrowind wasn`t as bad as this. the elder scrolls lacked immersion before. but i think in skyrim it`s really bad atm and a major fun killer when you notice you can`t really interact with npcs.

i also miss real dialogue options. for the most part it`s just click thru all the dialogue options and listen what the npcs have to say.

i miss baldurs gate!

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