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SKSE problem installation


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If you had an older version of SKSE that worked, check your game folder for an extra older dll version - I found an older SKSE.dll still hanging around in mine. You only need to copy 3 files for SKSE
SKSE_current version number.dll
skse_loader.exe (for the latest version)
skse_Steam_loader.exe (for the latest version)


Edit: The installation has changed! please read the SKSE readme that is included in the zipped download - OR the documentation link on the SKSE page to see what now needs to be done.

If you are not sure, delete these 3 ALL SKSE files from your folders and copy over the newest ones. The log and ini files should be recreated as needed automatically.

There are other skse files that may be included in the folder, these are usually .log files for particular mods and do not need to be removed for SKSE to work.

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I had a problem where I installed SKSE perfectly (I even watched a YouTube video here

) and was still getting the TES error.


Then I noticed that error message said it couldn't find "TES_" with an underscore instead of "TESV" which is what I had.


So I simply renamed the TESV.exe file to TES_.exe with an underscore, and then the SKSE launcher worked just fine.


Hope this helps anyone with a similar problem.

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Something odd here, the exe is indeed TESV.exe and SKSE works just fine with it.


Are you sure to have gotten SKSE from the official site?

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  • 5 months later...
  • 11 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I am having a (somewhat) similar problem. When I tried to install SKSE, I was told to find the folder titled "TESV.exe", and put it in there. The only folder I found was TESV, not TESV.exe. People told me it was the same folder and to put it in there. Well I did, and needless to say it did not work.

Then a friend told me that TESV is NOT TESV.exe, and that I needed to find the .exe folder in order to do it right. Well I went through every single file in my skyrim folder (literally all of them) and there is no TESV.exe. It does not exist for me, and i'm getting very annoyed since every time I search, I get the same answers.

So I guess my question is... Does anyone know why I cant find TESV.exe, and why TESV doesn't work? And if so, do you know anything that might help me get it to work?


PS: sorry if I necroed this thread, I dont know the rules about necroing or how old this thread even is (I'm still fairly new, as you can tell)

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I am having a (somewhat) similar problem. When I tried to install SKSE, I was told to find the folder titled "TESV.exe", and put it in there. The only folder I found was TESV, not TESV.exe. People told me it was the same folder and to put it in there. Well I did, and needless to say it did not work.

Then a friend told me that TESV is NOT TESV.exe, and that I needed to find the .exe folder in order to do it right. Well I went through every single file in my skyrim folder (literally all of them) and there is no TESV.exe. It does not exist for me, and i'm getting very annoyed since every time I search, I get the same answers.

So I guess my question is... Does anyone know why I cant find TESV.exe, and why TESV doesn't work? And if so, do you know anything that might help me get it to work?


PS: sorry if I necroed this thread, I dont know the rules about necroing or how old this thread even is (I'm still fairly new, as you can tell)


quote: "I was told to find the folder titled "TESV.exe" ... told by who? Well at least you got acquainted with all folders contained in your Skyrim directory.. you never know when this will come in handy, huh? :D but actually this is what you really were told to do (by Readme):


1. Copy the .dll and .exe files to your Skyrim directory. This is usually in your Program Files folder under Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\. If you see files named TESV and SkyrimLauncher, this is the correct folder. Do not copy these files to the Data folder as with a normal mod. The "src" folder is only useful for programmers, most users can ignore it.


... so please stop searching for TESV.exe folder ;))

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Windows has a bad habit of hiding common extensions to program names - and, .exe is one of those common extensions. Plus, you read those instructions wrong - they say to put the SKSE files in the SAME folder as TESV.exe, NOT in a folder named either TESV.exe or just TESV - TesV.exe is not a folder. it is a program - a special kind of file that can be run. ( it is the actual game program) you cannot put one file inside of another file without some special knowledge - and you don't want to do that anyway. :blush:


The files from SKSE go into the same FOLDER that the TESV.exe FILE is located in.

This will be wherever you installed the steam client ...steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim If you open the Skyrim folder you should find a file named TESV.exe ( or if your 'common extensions' are hidden - just TESV) - Copy the SKSE files into that folder after copying, you should see the TESV (or TESV.exe) AND the files you copied in the folder list. :thumbsup:

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

Hello! If its not to much to ask for. I would like some help whit getting skse to work. I have tried to do as been instructed from many "sources" like Video, the read me that tells u how to add it ect. But nothing of it seems to be working. I simply get a error telling me it cant find the TESV.exe which i tried to solve by following some tips i found. The change of "exe" ect. Still nothing and whenever i try to try reinstalle it againi get same error and added further text saying "\Steam\Steamapps\common\skyrim\\TESV.exe failed (5)." Am i missing something here? http://static.zenimax.com/forums.bethsoft.com/public/style_emoticons/default/confused.gif


I do wanna add that i cant start my skyrim trough the skyrim launcher. Whenever i try to do that it just relaunches the skyrim launcher. So for me to actually play the game i need to go trough TESV.exe . But as soon i have the skse in the folder and try it to see if it works ect my TESV.exe stops working. It tells me that i do not have the permission for it. And TESV.exe itself is put on admin permission.


Tx in advance http://static.zenimax.com/forums.bethsoft.com/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png !


Edit: I would like to uppload the text i get when i try to start the SKSE Loader and what happens when i try to start the game the normal way after i have installed SKSE.(I always try to run it as admin)


SKSE launcher:







Take note that all of this files are on their right places.

Edited by jasminagamer
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