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Blender 2.5+


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Its my understanding that using Blender 2.49b + the PyFFI extention then exporting to NifSkope to get stuff into Skyrim is the way things currently get done... Please correct if wrong.


Based on that assumption, does Blender versions 2.5+ have the ability to export sucessfully to NifSkope? I have no expirence with this so any input is welcome. If my understanding of things is so totally wrong just say so and ill continue to explore resources already availiable so I dont clutter up the nexus with things that are already out there.

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ok, so how do i get skyrim NIfs into blender 2.49b (with PyFFI plug-in). I keep getting a "string too long" error. is there a work around? Also, I read somewhere that importing skyrim .nif files into blender is unachievable... say it isn't so lol.
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I find that exporting the NIF as an OBJ in Nifskope then working on it in Blender then impirting it back into Nifskope and saving it as a NIF is a good way to do it.


Then again I haven't really gotten past the Blender Part yet, especially with my Wyrm.

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I find that exporting the NIF as an OBJ in Nifskope then working on it in Blender then impirting it back into Nifskope and saving it as a NIF is a good way to do it.


Then again I haven't really gotten past the Blender Part yet, especially with my Wyrm.

it's supposed to be skinned, so you'll never get obj export to work for such things as that format doesn't store much more than but geometry, normals, and UVs

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you need to download nifskope and apply these properties before you can import it into blender:


NiHeader -> userversion 1 - set this to 11 from 12, userversion 2 - set this to 34 from 83

after that rightclick bslightingshaderproperty and "remove branch", do the same to any NiAlphaProperty you find

all of the bslightingshaderproperties can be found under the nitrishape branch

Some models might have several nitrishape branches, you need to remove Alphaproperty and shaders (leave anything else alone) from all of them or else you wont be able to import it.


If you want to know more, find a blender import/export video/html on the nexus mod pages, it lies under "modders resource - tutorials"

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