Gavrebel Posted January 15, 2017 Share Posted January 15, 2017 I'm having an issue where I get a crash, albeit it incredibly smooth one, upon starting up a new game into the alternate start prison, or loading an autosave that happens there (assuming I last just about long enough for it to occur). Character creation is fine and the crash as I mentioned is not like freezing or the like where you get the blah blah has stopped working or you need to end said process, its just a straight up skyrim closes smooth as. The load order is pretty long and probably a semi mess. It has been done with Loot and then messed with slightly by me with mods like Dawnguard Arsenal I know from Mod Author info Loot puts in wrong place (plus some like Palaces Enhanced) that are just recommended to be further down. Some of the compatibility patches may well be wrong and I could've overlooked two mods that simply don't play ball, it wouldn't surprise me. Hopefully that's reasonably noticeable to you if it is the case. I have by luck more than judgement been able to get in on a load order like this before (although not amazingly stable and stuttery) so given I can't get past the character creation and load into the alternate start prison (either from new game or from a load game via the autosave that happens) I get the impression that one way or another the settings coupled with the fixes settings might be the issue? Enboost is installed and does work, I get the message in top left and I've noticed smoothness when I've loaded in the past. Crash Fixes (Meh321) I believe to be installed but I can't be certain as there is no sign perse to tell me so I could be wrong. The Skyrim Ini and Prefs set off the Stability Performance Optimisation ones served no difference if only crashing faster. I am unawares as to what the ideal settings for the inis should be if there is. (Upon changing them back to the base settings plus a few tweaks I was able to load into the prison followed swiftly by my instant CTD). What confuses me is why the crash acts like someone has just ended my process without me knowing as opposed to Skyrim has stopped working or something. I do use Mod Organiser as well perhaps I have some of the stability files that say Crash Fixes use not where they are required to be? I have an SKSE folder under Data with an Skse ini and then the crash fixes files in the Plugins folder but also the same files in the Crash Fixes mod folder where MO stores all its mods. Papyrus Log via Paste Bin: Sorry its so long :c Hopefully it has some meaning. Specs: I5 6600K16GB RamWindows 10 64bitGTX 1060 6GBSkyrim runs off secondary HDD via Steam (SSD Main) Mod List: Taken from MO file so + - course indicates active or not. Plugins List: - Added before plugins by me to indicate not checked and active. Ini and Prefs: Hopefully I've given a decent jist of information and not waffle. Thank you for your time and act towards me as if I'm a level one mod user to hopefully circumvent any I didn't understand that replies from me (: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iXenite Posted January 16, 2017 Share Posted January 16, 2017 I guess a good place to start would be making a Bashed Patch. If that doesn't help then let me know and I suppose the real troubleshooting can begin. I'll let you know ahead of time though that having tons of scripted mods is not a very good idea for overall game stability, especially the sex mods which are very complex in the scripting department. Also, as far as I can tell Campfires was the last thing on your Papyrus log - so maybe that has something to do with it. You could be missing something it needs to initialize, or, the mod just doesn't like your load order. That or the game just doesn't want to handle all of the scripts being loaded. A good practice with mods that have a lot of scripts that need to be initialize when startig the game is to just sit around the cell in the alternate start mod and not do anything until everything is settled and the MCM menus are all functioning. That could help. Also since you're using MO - check the little warning box on the top right corner to make sure it isn't alerting you to stuff that needs to be rearranged in the left pane in MO. That could also be why you're having problems. The left pane dictates what overwrites what when each mod is installed - the order they appear in is just as important as the load order you have in the right pane of MO. Wrye Bash (you'll need it to make the Bashed Patch): Bashed Patch Tutorial: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gavrebel Posted January 16, 2017 Author Share Posted January 16, 2017 Thank You for the reply. Upon a wild guess I decided to remove these three lines from the Papyrus part of the Skyrim.ini: iMinMemoryPageSize=128iMaxMemoryPageSize=512iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=76800 We have made it both into the prison and then onto the game world. Some of the trees appear to be purple blobs instead lol but we do appear to be up and running. I'll leave this open for the moment in case I'm getting ahead of oneself but progress has occured. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iXenite Posted January 16, 2017 Share Posted January 16, 2017 You might want to read this reddit post on what you just changed. The user "MasterCobia" has some pretty interesting thoughts on it. My thoughts in regards to Papyrus functions is that it is usually better to not touch them if you're not 100% sure what they do. They can really destroy your game sometimes. As for the purple trees - that's happening due to either missing textures of insufficient VRAM. Considering you're using a GTX 1060 6GB - I doubt the VRAM is the problem. Reddit Post: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gavrebel Posted January 16, 2017 Author Share Posted January 16, 2017 (edited) Yeah the textures issue is a f*** up somewhere. Using the console to select them suggests there just skyrim vanilla ones and not any form of mod so something is missing there. Hasn't fix it however, whilst I was in all was stable. Annoyingly stuttery due to not loading in the objects on time, I can be slap bang in a location (such as I was outside Markarth) and textures, objects and even npcs hadn't loaded in yet. But back to the point now getting into the saves we are getting the smooth criminal crashes again. Its almost as if maybe there's too much to do all in one, sometimes I briefly load into the prison save and as the MCM messages start to flood on the top left we crash. If I try to enter say the journal or inventory before this happens I can sit still in the game and stop it from doing so but upon leaving it will probably still occur. I'm not sure if maybe this is the case but then if so perhaps sometimes I get just straight up lucky when I manage to load in like earlier. No mod list or plugins change. Update: So I tried reading what I took out of the Papyrus plus added fUpdateBudgetMS=2.4, fExtraTaskletBudgetMS=2.4, fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=2000.0. Eventually decided to try the highest settings as lower didn't seem to cut it. Interestingly still upon loading into the prison if I escape into a menu like the journal before we crash and wait for a bit before leaving there's a chance we don't crash whereas when I tried again and just left it upon loading in no bueno. Really makes me think there's just too much going on if by jumping into the journal and hiding can potential avoid the crash like trying to advert the game being overloaded by everything at once. On the one we made it into I could then load the save managed in the game world previous and get into it. There are some definitely fudged up textures which sure isn't helping. Update 2: Journal hiding is a thing. If I jump into it after loading into the prison save and waiting there for a minute then leave, I don't crash and can then use that save to make it easier upon loading into a game world save. This was after removing the iMinMemoryPageSize=128 iMaxMemoryPageSize=512 iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=76800 options again just for curious testing. Edited January 16, 2017 by Gavrebel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kroekr Posted January 16, 2017 Share Posted January 16, 2017 You can replace Unofficial Skyrim Patch, Unofficial Hearthfire Patch, Unofficial Dragonborn Patch, Unofficial Dawnguard Patch with USLEP which has everything they do plus more and it only takes one esp. I recommend replacing Amazing Follower Tweaks with EFF since AFT is older and has a few more issues than EFF. Stable uGridsToLoad is a member of the Unstable and Outdated Mods Master List from . It would not hurt to see if you can find anything else you have there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gavrebel Posted January 18, 2017 Author Share Posted January 18, 2017 (edited) So I decided to disable initially the sex mods as just as Direction had noted they are quite scripty. To begin with that alone didn't help us however upon removing the Populated series mods from the plugins too (as they're the only I was aware that are script hungry) much success, I can load into the prison and have all the other MCM stuff and everything load, no crash. Load screen times are almost sexually good, so much faster than like five minutes I could spend beforehand trying to get into cities. The game world feels much smoother, much less stutter and no more point blank objects or NPCs not yet loaded. Still have the purple textures I've yet to identify why, they were still present with a new save and I'm not sure if its missing files or mods. Morale of this issue though, too many hungry scripts. I'd heard stuff bout the Populated series but seems to have been the major player. Oh and I did take a wander on the Outdated and Unstable list and removed Immersive NPC detection too, if a script trouble bringer may also have contributed. Edited January 18, 2017 by Gavrebel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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