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Detect All Creatures spell doesn't work?


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I just recently became Vampire Lord and unlocked the perk for the Detect All Creatures spell.


I can see the sort of "sound wave" radiating out from me when I cast it, so I know the spell is being activated. However, it doesn't actually highlight any creatures. When I cast it, I hear the sound and see the visual effects... but I can have, say, a bear or troll right in front of me and it won't light up. I cannot even see it through objects.


Detect Life and Detect Dead work perfectly for me though, so I don't think it's a graphics issue.


Although I am using a fair number of mods in my game, I still had the same problem when I disabled them all. Regardless, according to SSEEdit none of my mods override anything in the Detect All Creatures spell nor in any of its magical effects, so I really don't think it's a mod conflict.


Has anyone else had this issue?


I think I can create a workaround - basically make a new mod via SSEEdit which replaces the magical effects in Detect All Creatures with those from the plain old Detect Life and Detect Dead spells. Of course, then I won't get the ability to detect dwarven automatons (on the other hand, I'll get the cool friend/foe highlighting).


But if this is an issue anyone else knows about, I'd prefer to actually fix it.


Before you ask, no, I have NEVER actually modified existing game files with SSEEdit. I know to only override records in new files I create.



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Before I proceed, let me be clear on why I'm replying to an old thread: it appears on page 1 of Google results when searching for the issue. That means this reply is being placed where it will do the most good for the most people.


FYI, here's the usual cause of the issue where the Vampire Lord's Detect All Creatures ability doesn't highlight anything, and pointers as to how it can be fixed using the Creation Kit (assuming some comfort with using it) so that it detects everything it should, including dwemer constructs:
Dawnguard does an interesting thing with Detect All Creatures to get an effect that differs from the Detect Life/Detect Dead spells, in that it reuses one of Skyrim's snow textures when generating the glow used to highlight creatures. If some other mod interferes with that, and my guess would be that a visuals/ENB/weather mod caused the issue in my case, then the ability will activate but won't appear to highlight any creatures.
To fix this, I used the Creation Kit to copy down just the Detect All Creatures spell effect into a small mod of its own, then pointed the spell effect in that mod at another appropriate texture in my game folders. I load that mod after Dawnguard (which should happen in any case!), et voila, problem solved. Detect All Creatures now highlights everything it should just fine for me using that texture, including dwemer constructs.
For the time being, my mod points at a snow replacement-texture file someone else created for a performance mod I no longer use, and so I can't make my mod available to others without hijacking a mod creator's assets. But it's a pretty simple fix and can be done with any available and appropriate texture.
(Note: if you're okay with the Vampire Lord ability not detecting dwemer constructs per its description in Dawnguard, there is a mod here that essentially replaces the ability with the Detect Life / Detect Dead spell, meaning it won't detect constructs, but it will add the color coding of those spells' effects to what it detects. This may be an easier fix for some with the above issue, and I don't want to disparage the work of that modder, since looking into that mod is how I discovered the total-package fix above.)
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