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SKSE being A jerk


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Not sure of what you mean exactly, do you mean launching the game through SKSE, sometimes (I'm not an expert or even very knowledgeable for that matter) but sometimes you can get a corrupt (dll's missing) launcher on the desktop through an update or whatever, I've found that heading into Steam/Steam apps........ /whatever else, and into Skyrim and select skse_loader (Application 131kb) it should launch from there, if not, then fire up a fresh copy of SKSE from the guys and it should be fine, once you've successfully launched your game exit and replace the skse launcher icon on your desktop with a new one (you know... create shortcut)

Now if you already know this then... Sorry I can't help further, seek advise from someone with a brain. :confused:

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If you are starting SKSE from Steam and there has been a recent Steam update, then you'll need to start Skyrim alone first. After that, close out the game and start with SKSE as usual. All should work well after that. :)

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